
322 Pins
Fizzing Moon Rocks Kids Activity
Check out this Fizzing Moon Rocks Kids Activity! Kids love space, so why not do this fizzing moon rocks experiment with them. You just need some basic kitchen supplies to make these cool fizzing mmon rocks. This is an easy science activity that kids of all ages will enjoy.
Phases of the Moon Space Crafts for Kids with Moon Phases Worksheet
This educational astronomy craft is the perfect kids indoor play activity to keep kids entertained whilst also teaching them about the phases of the moon.
Simple Science Experiment for Kids: Why are there craters on the moon?
Simple Science Experiment for Kids: Why are there craters on the moon? - I Can Teach My Child!
Aluminum Foil Moon Kids Craft Painting Activity
It’s not easy to come up with an art project for the moon that my 4-years-old and my 6-year- old would enjoy. This aluminum foil moon craft hit the sweet spot where it’s fun for my first grader but not too difficult for my preschooler. Check out this out of this world preschool STEAM activity and do it at home with your kids today! #preschoolSTEAMactivity #outofthisworldactivity
Free Printable Space Bingo (for out of this world fun)
This free printable space bingo for kids is fun for the whole family! Grab these outer space bingo cards for an indoor activity for kids or game for a space birthday party. Because no reading is required, this space bingo game is great for kids of all ages - even preschool. Click through to get your free printable outer space bingo cards for FREE today!