
138 Pins
@nehadeepakshah on Instagram: "🧉 CREAMY BADAMI SHORBA - No Cream, No Butter, No Milk Recipe. It is sooo creamy & absolutely delicious. 🎖️ I have used @australianalmonds.india. They are known for their high quality, sweet taste & unmatchable crunch. All you need is - 🫘 1/2 cup Peeled Australian Almonds ☄️ 1 tsp Oil 🍢 1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds 🧄 2 to 3 cloves of Garlic 🧅 1 Small Onion 🧂 Salt & To Taste 🥧 1/2 cup Soaked Moong Dal (soak for 30 mins) 🥦 1/2 cup Cauliflower 💦 Water 🍂 Spices - 8 to 10 Black Pepper corns , 2 Bay Leaf, 1 Small stick Cinnamon 🌟 Vishesh Tippani - - Blend the soup well to make it creamier & should have no bits #BadamShorba #WinterSoups #WinterRecipes #Delicious #CreamySoup #HealthySoup #Shorba #AustralianAlmond"
Nitya Hegde on Instagram: "Bhapa Sandesh Diwali is around the corner, and if you’re like me, you want to make something special without spending hours in the kitchen. 🍬 That’s where this Bappa Sandesh comes in! It’s one of those desserts that’s fancy enough for the festive season but super easy to make. Plus, it’s nutritious and melts in your mouth—so light yet indulgent at the same time. Perfect for sharing with friends and family! 🎉 Try it out and add a little sweetness to your celebrations without the hassle. ✨ Ingredients: 1.5 liters regular cow milk 3 tablespoons powdered sugar (rock sugar) Juice of 1 lemon (diluted with water) 4 tablespoons warm milk infused with saffron strands 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder Chopped nuts (as per your preference) Method: 🌿Bring 1.5 liters of cow
Receitas Veganas Online on Instagram: "Adoro testar receitas! Tenho recebido muitas das minhas queridas pacientes que são intolerantes a leite e glúten! Mas vc nem precisa ter alguma intolerância pra diversificar sua alimentação com opções saudáveis como essa! Feita com semente de girassol! Essa semente é tudo de bom! Riquíssima em proteína! Vitamina E, ômega, magnésio, etc.. Já testei algumas manteigas veganas mas essa do @veganorafa me surpreendeu! Tem consistência de manteiga então é manteiga como diz o dicionário! Receita aprovadíssima!! Muito fácil de fazer! PS: o óleo de Coco, use a versão sem sabor 😉 fonte: @drachristinepinto . . . . . . #manteigavegana #semlactose #zerolactose #veggie #veggies"
Fit Sem Complicação! on Instagram: "Você sente fome fora de hora e acaba caindo em lanches nada saudáveis?🫣 🎯Esses biscoitos de sementes são a solução! Crocantes, nutritivos e super fáceis de fazer, eles matam a fome sem culpa e ainda cuidam da sua saúde. Ricos em ômega-3, fibras e proteínas vegetais, ajudam na digestão, dão energia e ainda apoiam a saúde do coração. ✨ Ingredientes: • 1 xíc. de sementes de linhaça • 1/2 xíc. de sementes de chia • 2 xíc. de água • 4 col. (sopa) de sementes de girassol • 4 col. (sopa) de sementes de abóbora • 4 col. (sopa) de sementes de gergelim • 4 col. (sopa) de azeite de oliva • 1 col. (chá) de sal • 1 col. (chá) de páprica defumada • 1 col. (chá) de orégano seco Modo de preparo: 1️⃣ Misture a linhaça, chia e água. Deixe descansar por 30
@nehadeepakshah on Instagram: "🍮 Eggless Jaggery & Ginger Creme Caramel , the perfect sweet ending to the year 🎛️ I have used my @stahl_india ‘s Artisan Saucepan which is a triply cookware & my Versatil Cooker to steam the pudding. Checkout Stahl cookware on their website to know more and use my coupon code NEHADEEPAKSHAH to avail a special discount 😍 1/4 cup Jaggery 1 cup full fat milk 3 to 4 Slices of Ginger 1/4 Powdered Sugar 2 1/2 tbsp Custard Powder 1 tbsp fresh cream, optional Steam for 30 to 35 minutes on medium flame 🌟 Vishesh Tippani - Caramelise jaggery on low flame - Cook the custard on low flame & stir it continously - Post steaming, chill the custard for atleast 4 hours before unmoulding #StahlArtisan #StahlKitchens #Stahl #CremeCaramel #CaramelPudding #CaramelCust
Easy Plant Based Recipes on Instagram: "🤯🌱🍫 3-Ingredients Vegan Chocolate Spread. Like Nutella, but so much healthier! Made with ROASTED chickpeas! ROASTED is the game changer as the chickpeas get a super nutty roasted flavor, like Nutella. Tag a friend who needs this recipe now! By @epicmintleaves . 👨‍🍳 Vegan Chocolate Spread 1 can chickpeas (or 1 ½ cups cooked chickpeas) 6 Medjool dates, pitted ½ cup cocoa powder 1 cup hot water . Method Roast chickpeas at 220C for about 30min Throw into food processor along with 6 medjool dates, 1/2 cup cocoa powder and 1 cup of hot water, blend until super smooth! Enjoy! Follow for more 🤯 vegan recipes! . #3ingredients #beans #vegan #recipe #chickpeas #dessert #plantbased #wfpb #easyrecipe #sugarfree #oilfree #glutenfree #healthyrecipe #plant
TARNEET KAUR on Instagram: "✨ Ragi Date & Walnut Cake ✨ Hi, I am Tarneet 🙋🏻‍♀️ And this is Ep-7 of #MilletMagic where I show you how you can make delicious, easy-to-make recipes using millets 😋 You need to give this one a try because it has no Maida, no added sugar and is made with Ragi (Finger Millet) but tastes absolutely divine ❤️😋 12 Mejdool Dates (220g) (1 + 1/2 cups) Hot Milk (375g) 1/2 cup Melted Butter/Vegetable Oil(95g) 1/2 cup Ragi Flour (60g) 1/2 cup Whole Wheat Flour (60g) 1/2 tsp Baking Powder 1 tsp Baking Soda Pinch of salt 1/2 cup Walnuts (chopped) 50gm Method: * Soak the pitted dates in Hot milk for 20 minutes so that they become super soft. * Then in a bowl, add flour (both ragi and whole wheat flour) baking powder and baking soda. Whisk well. * Then once
This may contain: ingredients in a glass bowl on a marble counter top with the words paozinho de banana above it
Como fazer pãozinho de banana super saudável
Créditos: Instagram/@denilcapeixoto 2 bananas maduras 160 g de farinha com fermento 30g de manteiga derretida Canela em pó Açúcar mascavo ou açúcar de coco. Para o recheio. 2 colher de sopa de açúcar de confeiteiro (opcional) •
Hambúrguer de quinua e cenoura - Santo Legume
Receita de hambúrguer de quinua e cenoura, uma versão vegetariana que pode ser servida acompanhada de salada ou como sanduíche.
PotsandPans 🍳🥘 India's First International Cookware Store on Instagram: "Masala Dosa Bites recipe Ingredients: Oil - 1 tbsp Mustard seeds - 1 tsp Asafoetida - pinch Tomato - 2 tbsp Green chilies and ginger paste - 1 tsp Boiled potatoes - 1 cup Sugar - 1 tsp Lemon juice - 1 tsp Coriander Salt Butter Dosa Batter as required Steps: 1) Start by making the potato filling , for this heat some oil in a pan/kadai. 2)Add in the mustard seeds along with the hing and cook for 45-60 seconds. 3) Add in the turmeric powder and red chilli powder and cook for an additional 30 seconds before adding in the kadi patta. 4)add in the boiled mashed potatoes and cook everything for 2-3 minutes. 5)Finish the filling with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and sugar. 6) now lets make the appe, for this add in d
Carine Claudepierre on Instagram: "Date Cookies (2-ingredient, gluten-free) 🌱Comment 'RECIPE' and I'll DM you the recipe to your inbox! . These Date Cookies are super easy chewy cookies ready in under 30 minutes and made with just 2 base ingredients for a perfect sweet snack. . recipe on my website, link in bio, or copy and paste the link below to see the recipe now: . #GlutenFree #veganglutenfree #cookies #healthyrecipes #easyrecipes #datecookies #medjooldates #almondflour"
prunch | priyansh parekh on Instagram: "korean fried tofu sando x ingredients 1 block tofu cut into a steak - flour dredge 1 cup plain flour 1/3 cup corn flour 1 tsp salt - sticky glaze 1/2 cup water 1/2 tbsp gochujang 1 tsp soy sauce 1/2 tbsp agave syrup 1 tbsp sesame seeds - white cabbage slaw 1 cup shredded lettuce 1 tbsp lime juice 1/2 tbsp vegan mayo salt to taste - sauce 1/2 tbsp sticky glaze 2 tbsp vegan mayo salt to taste 2 slices of toasted sourdough cold water for dredging the flour #veganfoodshare #veganrecipes #veganfood #vegan #tofu #veganeats #tofurecipes #sandwiches #koreanfriedtofu"