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5.2M views · 237K reactions | By popular request my 5+ Fav Avocado Tips and Tricks to save money and waste less. Which one did you not know? Which do you use? Please share your tips in the comments if you think I missed one. My best friends are sharing and recently I saw Whole Foods was using avocados as a “Loss Leader” —-which is when a store uses a popular produce item (usually bananas) that cost the store more than they make when discounted — but it brings YOU in and generally, you buy more (thus, Loss Leader). Well— in our Whole Foods they are selling 4 large Avocados for 4 dollars!!! That’s a savings if 8$!!! Lately, avocados have been $3-$4 for 1!! So, naturally, I bought 8 because I know the tin foil trick will save me from making guacamole and allow me to stretch out my ripe avocados for 2-3weeks more of eating. But the last tip in the real is really smart because it saves wasting planet clogging non-biodegradables products. Sure you could squeeze with lemon to help but it ruins the natural flavor, I think. 🤷‍♀️ Let me know if you like these tips and if you just realized avocados don’t have to be organic to protect you or your family’s health. Sheri Levy_JourneytoOrganic, xo #avocado #tips #tricks #shopping #mom #family #organic #savemoney #recipes #catering #platter #cooking #holistic #planet #earthday | Sheri Levy, FDN-P, CHHP, NPsyc
Sheri Levy, FDN-P, CHHP, NPsyc
4 Ways to Freeze Avocados! {It Really Is Possible!} | Whole New Mom
Did you know that freezing avocados seriously works? Here are 4 Ways to Freeze Avocados so you can save loads of money when they're on sale! Freezing Avocados -- 4 Ways to Do It! #avocado #freezerfood #wholenewmom #keto
Crunchy & Healthy Avocado Keto Bites
Crunch into Keto Avocado Crisps! 🥑🌶️ These crispy, savory snacks are your guilt-free go-to for satisfying those crunchy cravings. This recipe is packed with the healthy fats of avocados and a kick of spice, they're perfect for keto and low-carb lifestyles. Snack smarter and crunch your way to a healthier you! 💪🔥
7.7K reactions · 1.3K shares | 🫨AVOCADO HACKS How many times did we say “Avocado” in this video 🤔 We love avocados, and we love hacks! 🥑 Ripen and avocado in 10 minutes- wrap your avocado and place it in the oven at 200 degrees F for 10 minutes (up to 30 minutes). This increases the ethylene production and rapidly ripens it. Let it cool down in the fridge. 🥑You can determine how ripe or overripe and avocado is by removing the stem and checking the color underneath. Brown is an indication that the avocado is overripe. 🥑An easy way to open an avocado is to cut it vertically then horizontally. This way you can easily remove the pit and peel off the skin. 🥑You can keep avocado ripe for over 6 months- by keeping them in the freezer. When you’re ready to use, rinse under warm water and let them sit on the counter for 20 minutes. It will be just as ripe as when you first put it in the freezer. #foodhacks #avocado #healthtips | Levi Jensen | Wuki · Sunshine (My Girl)
7.7K reactions · 1.3K shares | 🫨AVOCADO HACKS How many times did we say “Avocado” in this video 🤔 We love avocados, and we love hacks! 🥑 Ripen and avocado in 10 minutes- wrap your avocado and place it in the oven at 200 degrees F for 10 minutes (up to 30 minutes). This increases the ethylene production and rapidly ripens it. Let it cool down in the fridge. 🥑You can determine how ripe or overripe and avocado is by removing the stem and checking the color underneath. Brown is an indication that the avocado is overripe. 🥑An easy way to open an avocado is to cut it vertically then horizontally. This way you can easily remove the pit and peel off the skin. 🥑You can keep avocado ripe for over 6 months- by keeping them in the freezer. When you’re ready to use, rinse under warm wat
Canning, Freezing, Dehydrating, Food Preserving and Homesteading
Canning, Freezing, Dehydrating, Food Preserving and Homesteading
1.1M views · 43K reactions | Avocado Ripening Hack #cookingwithbamaw # | Sherry Jackson Skinner
Avocado Ripening Hack #cookingwithbamaw # | Sherry Jackson Skinner | Sherry Jackson Skinner · Original audio
Alicia The Essential Nurse on Reels |
42K views · 5.6K reactions | Follow @brightly.eco for more sustainable living tips! 💚 Here are 3 tips for storing your avocados so that your favorite fruit never goes bad again! 1) Freeze them 🧊 2) Store leftover halves in avocado hugger or beeswax wraps 🐝 3) Submerge halves in water and store them in the fridge 💦 Shop Avocado Food Huggers at the link in our bio! 🥑 #avocado #avocadolover #foodwaste #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyproducts #ecofriendlyliving #sustainableliving #lowwasteliving #zerowaste #ecofriendlykitchen #kitchenhacks #kitchentips | Brightly
Brightly on Reels |
Here's How To Keep Avocados Ripe for Months—Seriously | Well+Good
How to Preserve Avocados