How To Start a Residential Assisted Living Home
There is a rapid rise in the need for assisted living homes, and that need will only continue to grow. For individuals who are at all interested in starting your own RAL home, this article will be a great guide.
RAL Homes Provide Better Resistance to Coronavirus
With no uncertainty, residential assisted living homes offer unique components that organically create safeguards against the coronavirus and other contagious ailments.
Why RAL Makes Level of Care Easy
Residential assisted living homes are growing at a rapid rate because it is an ideal environment for our aging senior population.
Simple Wholesaling Podcast with Emmanuel Guarino
Each week, we sit down with top real estate professionals, business executives and/or financial experts during our Real Estate Investing with a Purpose podcast.
COVID-19 Tips For RAL Care Homes
The need for quality residential assisted living housing is rapidly increasing, especially with the coronavirus creeping through the senior population at an alarming rate.
Senior Living Trends: VR in Assisted Living?
With technology moving full steam ahead, times are progressively changing, and these changes will inevitably have an effect on seniors.
RALA Success Stories: Justin
Starting a successful residential assisted living business has a lot to do with understanding the systems. Justin effectively gained the real estate investment and senior care training needed to start his elderly care home from the Residential Assisted Living Academy.
RALA Success Stories: Donald & Talinda
Donald and Talinda Kelly hit a home run with their new custom-designed senior housing, after attending the Residential Assisted Living Academy.
Residential Assisted Living Marketing…Healthcare or Lifestyle?
The senior living market is rapidly changing because of the growth of the residential assisted living home model. It’s inevitable that marketing strategies for assisted living will be dominantly geared toward residents’ wants, instead of only needs.
Take Your Next Step Without Getting Off The Couch
This is a very different season we’re living in, but while working from home, you can learn everything you need to know about stabilizing your finances. Make good use of your down time by planning for your future.
Do You Really Know Assisted Living?
Many people who haven’t done much research come up with images of large facilities filled with old people sitting around doing nothing.
3 Training Options For RAL Success
We have 3 training options at RAL Academy! The Free Intro Course, Home Study Course, and 3 Day Fast Track!
What’s Your Why? RALA Success Stories with Timothy & Helga
Success and happiness start when you keep your Big Why in the forefront of your business endeavor, the same is true in residential assisted living.
Start Small: A Guide To Starting In Assisted Living
The demand for assisted living is rapidly growing. More and more people are learning about the residential assisted living opportunity and discovering the cash-flow that these homes generate.
Boost Your Productivity By Prioritizing Yourself
Let’s face it, we all struggle with distractions from time to time. The modern world is full of them, and they often get in the way of our productivity. It’s time to take stock of our goals and ambitions and allow ourselves the freedom to pursue them with less encumbrance.