Combine Reiki with

Combine Reiki with
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Reiki and ASMR
Do you know about ASMR and the health benefits it can add to a Reiki session? Dr. Richard, the founder of ASMR, has some insights to share on this topic:
Reiki Helps us Connect to the Energy in Music
Yesterday, we took two steps ahead, today, we take one step backward, and tomorrow, we can turn 180 degrees. We are dancing to the music of the universe. Are you well attuned to it? Today, an interesting perspective about Reiki and music was shared with us.
7 Essential Oils to Enhance your Reiki Healing Session
Very practical article! And you? What’s your favorite essential oil for Reiki healing sessions?
Reiki Water
Water is vital for all living beings. Though it does not provide any calories plays a significant role in maintaining good health. We all have noticed that our energy gets depleted when we are thirsty. Read Shailja's article about making Reiki Water:
Reiki Healing with Peace Mantras
In order to have peace in our outer world we need to bring peace into our inner world so it reflects to our outer world. Below are two mantras with translations to help heal our inner selves, our outer world, and to bring peace to the world:
Being a Reiki Angel on Earth
Starting this moment, unfold your wings and be a Reiki Angel on Planet Earth! Thank you Haripriya! Enjoy, Love, Fly!
Reiki Box for Beginners and Masters
Reiki is infinite in nature. It has no limits. It is intelligent and all loving. It is healing and nourishing. And it is undoubtedly magical! From a human perspective, the ability to consciously feel and channel healing energy through our palms is nothing short of a miracle. A Reiki box is a tool that can help us concentrate this infinite reservoir of energy in a defined space in order to achieve a specific purpose. Haripriya's article describes the technique, for beginners and masters:
Ho’oponopono – The Magical Words
A VERY Powerful and magical prayer-technique, especially with Reiki:
Reiki and How It Aids the Dying
Here are some steps you can take to aid an individual at the end of their journey:
The Transformative Flames of Holy Fire® Reiki
Personal and professional experiences from RM Kathleen Johnson with the transformative energy and flames of Holy Fire Reiki® <3
3 Ideas for Reiki Writing
Everyone heard about Reiki box method, but did you know about these three ideas for Reiki writing? No.2 can bring deep emotional healing since can help us talk to our dear ones who have passed away...
Kenyoku before or after treatment will work miracles on your healing sessions! See all 3 versions of performing this purifying and cleansing technique and choose the right one for you. Reiki blessings!
Tarot Cards Prayer for Manifestation
How to Use Tarot Cards for Manifestation 1. Sit in a comfortable and clean place 2. Invoke Reiki. Draw CKR and HSZSN. You may additionally draw a master symbol. If you practise Karuna Reiki draw Rama and Kriya. 3... (read Ashwini's full article: )