From Laughlin, NV take Hwy 163 to Christmas Tree Lane on right side (nice dirt road) then left on Grapevine Canyon to parking area. American Indian pictographs and California's first grapes! Just minutes north of Laughlin, NV.
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Grapevine Canyon Pictographs. Laughlin then NW on Hwy 163. Turn right on Christmas Tree Pass Rd. and go about 2 miles. Then left on Grapevine Canyon Rd. to the parking area. Road is flat & hard.. Safe for family cars.
Grapevine Canyon, Parking area. Pictographs about 175 yards on an easy walk.
Grapevine Canyon, If kindergarten & elementary school kids can walk to the pictographs; we all can!
Grapevine Canyon, Little lizard friends all over.
Grapevine Canyon, Flowers in the dry river bed...thousands of these plants.
Grapevine Canyon Flowers in the dry river bed...hundreds of these plants.
Grapevine Canyon Beginning of the pictographs. About 130 yard walk from parking lot.
Grapevine Canyon Beginning of the pictographs. About 100 yard walk from parking lot.
Grapevine Canyon Beginning of the pictographs. About 100 yard walk from parking lot.
Grapevine Canyon Polliwogs in the stream... "In the desert!"
Grapevine Canyon, underground source of water for the Indians and their grapes
Grapevine Canyon, underground source of water for the Indians and their grapes
Grapevine Canyon