no plastic

16 Pins
'More Planet Less Plastic' Sticker by jitterfly
Buy 'More Planet Less Plastic' by jitterfly as a Sticker. More Planet, Less Plastic is a version of PLASTIC PLANET , an environmental art piece showcasing a plastic bag wrapped Earth. It not only illustrates how polluted and plastic-wrapp...
Are you struggling to give up single-use plastic? Here are some alternatives to help you practice plastic-free living #astu #astueco #alternativestoplastics #veggietofridgie #goinggreen #zerowaste #zerowastelife #sustainableliving #ecoliving #ourplanetourhome
Plastic Waste Footprint [Infographic]
Plastic Waste Recycling
Stop plastic pollution from consuming our planet. Choose Recycling Visit: #RecyclingHub #PlasticWaste #WasteManagementCompany #IndustrialWaste #gpcbauthorized #ScrapBuyers