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A Peek at My Week and 100th Day of School!!!
The Lemonade Stand: A Peek at My Week and 100th Day of School!!!
Celebrate the 100th Day of School with Centers!
If you love celebrating the 100th Day of School, then you will love using center activities. I have 100th Day of School celebration stations that work perfectly in the K-2 classroom. There are a variety of 100th Day of School activities like 100 piece paper chain, write 100 words, read 100 books, and much more! Check out all of the wonderful 100 Day of School games that your early elementary students will love.
The Hat Jan Brett Book Activities & Craft
The Hat Jan Brett book activities unit with read aloud companion printables, reading comprehension worksheets, literacy lesson ideas, and a craft for Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade
Brain Breaks for Kids: 48 Alerting Sensory Activities, Strategies & Exercises | School-Based OT Tips
Use these 48 sensory strategies for the classroom to wake up your students! Increase focus and attention using alerting brain breaks. These sensory hacks provide input to the brain and nervous system that INCREASE alertness in kids. Brain Breaks for Kids. Brain Breaks. Brain Breaks Elementary. Sensory strategies for the classroom. Sensory Activities. Increase focus and attention in kids. Alerting Sensory Activities. Vestibular Input. Proprioceptive Input. School Based OT.
35+ Hilarious Picture Books for Kids
If you're looking for funny picture books to make your kids giggle during storytime, we recommend trying the stories on this list. #bestfunnybooksforkids #funnybookstoreadstokids #funnypicturebooksforkids