dessin neurologique

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L'art neurographique est parfait pour un non-artiste. Cela crée de la pleine conscience et de la paix sans trop de structure ni la capacité de dessiner habilement.
Neurographic art Neurografisch tekenen Made by Hild
Permanent marker and crayons Permanente stift en kleurpotloden
Курс по Нейрографике Pro Отношения.
Познакомьтесь с этим методом трансформации
TUTORIAL p. 6 van 6 - Neurografisch tekenen
TUTORIAL p. 6 van 6 - Neurografisch tekenen
TUTORIAL p. 3 van 6 - Neurografisch tekenen
TUTORIAL p. 3 van 6 - Neurografisch tekenen
Day 44 of the “ugly” sketchbook! This exercise is so fun whether you are an artist or not. Not only is it fun but apparently it can be really helpful! According to the Vancouver Visual Art Foundation’s website, “Neurographic art creates a mindful, meditative, yet aware state through the creation of new neural connections when engaging in this art form.” People use this technique to actually help them with all sorts of issues, anxiety, etc. They will take an issue or something they are thin...
Neurographica: The Mindful Art for a New and Improved You
Say goodbye to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. Neurographica is a simple, yet powerful art form that can help you release stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and boost your creativity. No drawing experience is required. You'll be surprised at how quickly you can create beautiful and intricate Neurographic designs that will leave you feeling calm, relaxed, and inspired. Learn Neurographica today and discover the simple way to reduce stress, improve your mood, and live a more balanced life.
This contains: this is an abstract watercolor painting with blue, turquoise and purple colours. the lines were made in neurographic art style.
Some more neurographic art for you 🥰
Neurographic art is made with rounding up all the intersections in your drawing so it has an organic feeling. In this painting I blocked some parts for the first layer and used a different colour palette for the second layer to create more depth.
Art et thérapie : 8 tutos bien-être - Bouge ta créativité