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107 Pins
The Ultimate Guide to Chakras
With The Ultimate Guide to Chakras, tune in to your chakras, the power centers connecting your physical body and the world of energy. Your chakras are the power centers that translate between the seen world of the physical body and the unseen world of energy. First discussed in ancient Hindu texts and studied for thousands of years in numerous spiritual traditions, including acupuncture, meditation, and yoga, chakras hold the key to our well-being. By tapping into the power of our chakras, we ca
Black Candle Magic, Meanings, and Flames For Beginners
Black Candle Magic is frequently confused with sinister or malicious intentions; however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Black candles are effective in banishing magic, as well as letting go of past traumas, meaningless relationships, and grieving or mourning a loved one. Black candles absorb negative energy as a way to protect you, similar to what black tourmaline does. Often used in destructive magic and symbolizes the unconscious. #peculiartips