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Princess Eleonore of Belgium celebrates her 11th birthday today. Eleonore is the second daughter and youngest of four children of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium. Eleonore, Princess of Belgium, was born in Anderlecht on 16 April 2008. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is one of her godparents. Princess Eléonore attends a Dutch-language primary school in Brussels. She is currently fourth in line to the throne of Belgium after her older siblings. Happy birthday to you Princess Eleonore
Belgium Royals Attend Christmas concert at the Royal Palace in Brussels on December 16, 2015
Royal Family Around the World: Belgium Royals Attend Christmas concert at the Royal Palace in Brussels on December 16, 2015
The 16 years old Princess Eleonore of Belgium
Belgium's National Day 2024
Princess Eléonore of Belgium attends the military and civil parade during Belgium's National Day 2024 on July 21st 2024, in Brussels, Belgium.
La reine Mathilde dégaine l’or pour un concert de Noël très familial
Mathilde dégaine l’or pour un concert de Noël très familial
👸 тг канал королевской семьи - тык
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Belgium's National Day 2024