Lone Wolf

my animal totem, since the age of eleven, when I drew the face of one about 18 inches tall on a rectangular piece of hardboard, attached a handle, and used it as the shield of my alter-ego. I couldn't believe I'd drawn it so well, as I'm not a natural artist. it's eyes seemed to stare hypnotically and draw you in, which is the way with wolves. So any pics & info about them I come across, I will pin on this board.
17 Pins
Witch School
what does wolf mean | Wolf Meaning and Totem Symbolism of the Wolf
...Because wolf is a teacher and pathfinder, he comes when we need guidance in our lives. Those who have a Wolf Totem will move on to teach others about sacredness and spirituality. ...If wolf appears in your life examine where you need to develop more confidence and if you need more balance between friends, family, and yourself... http://www.animaltotem.com/wolf.html
One of the best nature photographers around. And this little guy is SO cute.
Baby Wolf!!! ME WANT...NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing photo of a male lion that looks like he is saying "Are you kidding me?" Jeeeezzz