poem ideas

14 Pins
Disney Crafts
Make a secret picture with a white crayon, then paint over with water color and watch it appear.
Morning Warm Up
Morning Work Warm Ups - fun & creative activities to get your students' minds going. Magazine Monday: Grab from a bucket of age appropriate zines. Tune-up Tuesday: Read poetry w/ a partner . Word Search Wednesday: Self-explanatory. Think outside the box Thursday: Draw a half doodle, they have to finish it. Fidgit with it Friday: Playdoh or pipecleaners or other toys to spell or create with.
Came across this idea recently and decided to try it out on the library storytime kids as a “Build-A-Poem” activity during National Poetry Month. I labeled bunches and bunches of legos and left them out after Sunday’s storytime last weekend. It turned out to be more of a Build-A-Verse than the Build-A-Poem activity I had intended it to be, but even so it was all good fun.
Easily Write Found Poetry with Kids
Found Poetry and Word Sort. Aha! This will be perfect for (1) using the old, worn magazines in the library, (2) keeping student helpers busy cutting out words for this center (3) creating a big banner for the hall, with colorful student "writing!"
fun popsicle similes, the kids turned them into poems by writing some of them on paint chip samples
Namebows and an Easy Pattern Freebie
I've seen this before but not noticed the name discription... so great for self-esteem and self-efficacy - love it
Kids' Poetry Activities from Pinterest
Delightful poetry activities from Pinterest appeal to all ages! Ideas include art projects, poetry notebooks, and poetry resources,
Putting Pizzazz into Poetic Devices! {Win This New Unit}
*Teaching Maddeness*: Putting Pizzazz into Poetic Devices! {Win This New Unit}
How to Make an Acrostic Book
How to Make an Acrostic Book from that artist woman {What theme would you choose for yours?}