
108 Pins
IV Gauge-Color Chart; I’ve been wondering if this was written down somewhere for years! Why is this not posted in every clean hold? These colors are totally arbitrary, and knowing the size of the catheter should be possible at a glance!
Struggling with Medical Conversions?
Here is a list of common medical conversions. #caregiverology #medicalconversions #medicalcalculations #metricsystem #imperialsystem #medicalcalculations #medicationmeasurement #medicationcalculation
Common Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms - Caregiverology
Here is a list of common medical abbreviations and acronyms. I will continue to add more over time. #caregiverology #medicalabbreviations #medicalacronyms
Blood Types: What you need to know
Blood Types: What you need to know #caregiverology #bloodtype #blood #blooddonation #giveblood #receiveblood #bloodcompatibility #americanredcross #donationcenter #antigen #antibody #plasma #platelets #prbc #wbc #plt #jehovaswitness #bloodgroupdiet
List of Medical Prefixes and Suffixes
This is a list of medical prefixes and suffixes. They are of Latin and Greek origin. #caregiverology #medicalprefix #medicalsuffix #prefix #suffix #medicalterms #medicalterminology
List of Commonly Misspelled Medical Terms
This is a list of commonly misspelled medical terms. #caregiverology #misspelledmedicalterms #misspelledmedicalwords #medicalterms #medicalwords #medicalterminology #hardmedicalterms #wrongmedicalterms
Urinary Information for Caregivers
Something we all do no matter where we are from or how old we are is urinate. It is a part of life and we should make sure it is happening naturally. #caregiverology #urinary #urinate #urine #uti
Diet Orders: What can your Patient Eat?
There are various different diet orders prescribed by physicians for patients. #caregiverology #dietorders #hospitaldiet #modifieddiet #eatingrestrictions #foodrestrictions #dietrestrictions #patientdiet #therapeuticdiet #temporarydiet