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This may contain: there is a tall vase with flowers next to a clock and other decorations on the wall
DIY 🌸 Lamp
Difficulty: Easy Supplies: • Spray paint • Glue gun sticks • Fake flowers • Fake vines • Fake moss • Scissors • Glue gun • Lightbulb (optional) Directions: • Take apart your lamp shade from the base • Make sure everything is clean before spray painting your lamp shade and base the desired colors you want • While the paint dries, take apart and cut up your flowers; you want to make sure you cut them in a way that will best fit your lamp shade. (i cut my flowers in half to get me a row of three petals i could glue on in a row) • Once the paint is fully dried, begin to hot glue your petals staring from the top to the bottom of the lamp shade. • When your flower is complete, move on to your stem; you’ll wanna hot glue moss to the base to give it that grassy effect, and the