Emotions and Feelings

Hi, We're JacquiandScott, (Jacqueline_Hyla, Jacqui Hyland & Scott Turchin,) and We Pin Imagery That We Like, For You. Have a Look Around. With 300k Pins/GIFs/Videos, Gently Sprinkled Over 500 Very Busy Boards, You'll Find Plenty of Perfectly Perfect For You. Help Yourself (Take/Keep) to Anything You Like. We Love Pinterest, We're Big on Sharing & If YOU FOLLOW US, WE'LL FOLLOW YOU Right Back! Big Hugs, JacquiandScott <— Our Main Account Here
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Jim Daly/ 3. ( American) Прекрасная пора детства…
ehdu - Jim Daly / 3. (americano) tiempo maravilloso de la infancia ...
Earth Pics on Twitter
It's raining hard out there today! Take some time and enjoy it! (Drive safe too!) Embedded image permalink
Edvard Munch, The Scream, or The Cream of the Scream
“The Cream of the Scream” after “The Scream,” Edvard Munch ^12^ Svetlana Petrova and her muse, Zarathustra
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"Baby goat use headbutt! It's not very effective..."