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Favorite way to make a roast | Favorite way to make a roast this maple bacon chuck roast is seriously so good | By Kristin's Friends | Alright y'all I have about a three pound chock roast right on in our crock pot. What am I putting on next? Okay y'all this is the secret to this dish. I cooked one pound of bacon in my oven. I baked it and we saved the bacon grease y'all alright? So that's going right on top. This is going to be so good. I'm so excited. Alright we have to put a few more things in here. I already put some onions. So I bought one chopped onion. Um I I'm just going to guess because Fred chopped my onions for me this morning. He's like do you want some help? I was like sure and then I made him do all the things I didn't want to do like chopped onions. So thanks Fred. Was easy. It was easy says Fred. I hate chopping onions because it makes me cry y'all. It makes me cry. Alright, what else are we putting in here? We're putting in about half a cup of maple syrup. Half a cup. Uh you know, I probably didn't even need to measure. I should have just eyeballed it and been like, that's how much is left. Half a cup of maple syrup. Oh, look at this is going to be good, Bridget. These flavors, I think it's going to be great. Alright, half a cup of balsamic vinegar. I could've done this ahead of time. This takes forever. Gosh, I guess. Uh look y'all I'm I'm wearing a shirt that says love with cats on it because I love cats. I bet y'all didn't know that. Okay, half a cup of balsamic vinegar or so. It's a little less but that's all I had left so it's fine. Okay, what else are we doing? Oh, I forgot my seasoning but that's okay. We we doing our best. Oh, boy. Alright. Little bit of garlic. Little bit. Just put it right on top. It's fine. That works good like that. Okay. We also need a little bit of beef broth. We're going to do about about one cup. Well, I don't, what's with me in measuring today? I never do this, Bridge. I don't know what's going on. One of them days. Alright, one cup of beef broth and y'all we have two more things. We have using this seasoning. Salt-free dash. Onion and herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. How do y'all say it? Okay, we're going to put a good amount on top. It's salt free. So, that's good. Alright. Onion and herb. Missus Dash. Missus Dash. Dash. Dash. Dash. Okay and bacon. One pound of cooked bacon. We already put the grease in there. So, now we're going to put the bacon. Oh, yes. I love bacon. Bacon makes everything better y'all. Okay, we're almost there. We're almost there and one thing I forgot y'all look at this we need a little green onion alright so we going to cover this we going to cook this on you know what if you cook it on high it'll be done in like four to 5 hours but for a roast like this y'all I think it's better if you cook it on low so I hate when I do this to myself because that means eight hours later I'm going to still be working and filming videos but we're going to cook it on low for about eight hours I'm going to show y'all a side dish I like to serve with this and I'm going to make it now it in the fridge and that's it. Alright y'all so I'm taking one bag of frozen hash browns. I actually have this in my fridge overnight so they're mostly thought out. Um I'm just going to keep talking and not doing anything. How about that? Alright. So we can put a little bit of garlic powder on these. I'm just making an easy side dish to go with our roast. Um and I'm going to show y'all what we're going to do because it has to cook for 8 hours. Not not this but okay little garlic powder, little pepper. This is just a super easy side dish that's so good and that's all. Little salt. Little salt. Now now it's Alaskan salt. Me and Fred didn't find any sauce in Puerto Rico right Fred? No you were looking for it. I sure was. I love salt. Alright y'all we have some sharp cheddar cheese. Um so this is just like y'all if y'all want to make some mashed potatoes you can but this is kind of like a little hack if you don't want to when I don't want to. So we're making we're just making like some hash brown potatoes okay? We're doing a little bit of we have butter so I have one stick of butter. We're going to put these squares around. Okay? So y'all I'm almost done then I'll then I'll tell you all the rest I'm getting ahead of myself I'm so excited wow I didn't cut the right amount of squares but that's okay alright that's fine we're we're okay alright a little green onion okay y'all so I'm actually going to put foil on this and then just put this in the fridge and I'm going to cook this like right before my roast is ready so when let's see when the roast has about this will need to cook for about 40 minutes, 30 minutes, I don't I don't know 3040 minutes at 350 so my roast is almost done I'm going to put this in the oven Fred, you're supposed to say action. Oh. I'm shaking my head. Okay, y'all. It is night time here at the Kristin's Friends household and here we have Jeannie. Say hi, baby. She's actually being pretty calm. You know, it's funny. She doesn't love being held but every time I pick her up, she purrs so loud except for right now because of these big lights and she's trying to get down. Okay, you want me to put you down, baby? Yeah, she wants to go downstairs. Little baby girl. I love you little dolls. You're my baby girl. She's she's a great cat. We love her. We love all of our animals y'all. Okay, you can probably still hear this sizzling because I just took this out of the oven y'all. Remember, I prepared this and put it in the fridge and then I put it in the oven. I cooked it at like, gosh, I don't even remember now. It's been a long day. 375 for about 30 minutes but the star which Fred, I I'm not going to touch that because it's hot so you gotta come over here and look at this, okay? We have our roast our chuck roast has been cooking on low a little bit high for a few hours and then mostly low for about for about six, 7 hours, okay? So, we had the bacon in here, the bacon grease, balsamic vinegar, maple syrup, and I think that's it but I can't remember. It's been a long time. Oh yeah, some onion seasoning. So, time to try it y'all. Let's see it. Fred, what's the best way to do this? Fred said, do this. Oh yeah, y'all. That's what you want. Oh my goodness. I think this is going to be so good. Alright, Fred. That looks great, right? Mm hmm. Okay. Oh yeah. It's like, that's how you know. Okay, Fred. That looks amazing. It just comes right apart. I don't even need to use enough. Let's put some of this on our plate. Fred, Fred's been patiently over here. He's like, can I eat it yet? I said, no, Fred. We have to try it for a video. We have to wait for the potatoes to finish. So, he's been very patiently waiting to eat this. Alright, I'm going to get some of the juice. Imma pour it on top. Fred, are you getting excited? Mm hmm. Alright, y'all and the potato salad to say because it's hot. Well now the plate looks ugly because I put too much juice but we just did a hash brown hack y'all. Bag of frozen hash browns. I'll put some butter, cheese. I can't even remember what else I'm putting here. I'm going to have to remind at the beginning of the video but it's instead of making mashed potatoes I just used some hash browns y'all. Okay? So here's my plate. And you know what I think I'm going to do? I think I'm going to have a taste and then I think Fred that don't touch that Fred. You want me to move it? Or should I go right here? Okay. Fred I think I should have a taste and then we should switch. And then you should come over and have a taste. You look cute. You're wearing your favorite sweatshirt Fred. Fred likes this idea. Okay. Alright, Fran. My turn first. Oh I'm just going to use my hand. Okay this meat is very wow. Okay this is going to be good. It's hot though. Alright Fred here we go. Let me some of that bacon. Bacon. Bacon makes everything better. Alright y'all. Here we go. Mm mm. No. Okay. You know what? Fred? Mm. Mm. This is a maple bacon chuck roast. This is so good. Um y'all I'm not going to lie. I just ate dinner because I was so hungry but now I'm going to eat a second dinner because this is good Fred. Fred you want to try it? Oh it smells amazing. Mm. Fred. You want to come over and try it on camera? Not on camera. Why? I don't know. I just I just want to eat right now. Muffet. I mean who else would hold the camera then? Me. Yeah. Don't like this idea y'all. Okay. Okay I have to have a bit of potatoes too. These literally just came out of the oven so little bite. Hulk. Try it y'all.
Ina Garten Recipes🍟🥣🍔🍕 | My husbands exact words after his first bite, “Oh my god, Ashley, this is fantastic | Facebook
4.1M views · 53K reactions | Shrimp and sausage stuffed jalapeños | Shrimp and sausage stuffed jalapeños | By Miguels cookingwithfire | Facebook
13K views · 180 reactions | #recipe #foodpics #instagram #restaurant #breakfast #follow #yum #like #foodblog #photooftheday #dessert #vegan #foodiesofinstagram #picoftheday #italianfood #chicken #cuisine #pasta #foodpic #homemadefood #cake #healthylifestyle #foodlovers #cucina #indianfood #cucinaitaliana #cookingtime #vegetarian #eating | Bite My Rice
#recipe #foodpics #instagram #restaurant #breakfast #follow #yum #like #foodblog #photooftheday #dessert #vegan #foodiesofinstagram #picoftheday #italianfood #chicken #cuisine #pasta #foodpic #homemadefood #cake #healthylifestyle #foodlovers #cucina #indianfood #cucinaitaliana #cookingtime #vegetarian #eating | Bite My Rice | Facebook
Easy Crockpot Recipes | 🍔 Garlic Parmesan Bacon Cheeseburger Bombs - your taste buds will thank you | Facebook
1.4M views · 1.2K comments | Milk Marinated Prime Rib | This is the secret to the most tender Prime Rib you’ll try this holiday season! I make this every year and it goes viral, have you made this before?... | By Dan-O's Seasoning | Is a $200 prime rib, okay? I would not do this if I did not 100% believe that this is the best way to make a prime rib. What you want to do is marinate it, submerge in milk. So we're going to add a gallon of whole milk. We're going to add some of our Tony Sachry's Cajun injection butter and we're going to inject the heck out of this. So let's get it submerged. It's going to dilute in there so it's not really going to make it that spicy. It's just adding a little flavor in there. Get that injection butter mix with the milk. Grab our injector. We're going to inject inject, inject, and we're just going to continue to do this for about 5 minutes or so. We're going to get tons of this milk injected into our prime rib. Now, we're going to flip it over on its side. So, we got the ends. Now, we're getting the middle. Now, we're just going to let it marinate for twenty-four hours. We'll see you tomorrow. I'll show you how to finish this bad boy off. Alright, y'all. It's been twenty-four hours. We're going to pull this out. Look at that. We're going to let this sit out for 2 hours. That's right. Two hours because when this prime rib sits in this super cold milk, it gets that internal temperature super cold. So we want to let this get to a room temperature before we ever go in the oven with this. We're going to pat it off. We're going to get it dry. I'm going to go on cut these bones off. It's going to help it get to room temperature. So we're simply going to go down this backside. Cut in towards the bone. And there's that. You see this big hunk of fat. We're just going to trim a little bit of that off. We're also going to go in here. Remove part of this fat cap off. There's no need for that. You see how this is all wanting to fall apart? Get your butchers twine. This is how I measure it. One, two, three, four. We go one, two, three, four. I'm pretty simple. I just tie a simple knot. It's going to hold our meat together. Now we let it rest. So now I'm going to attempt to take the ribs and that's what we're going to make our a with. Let's do it. Throw them in our in spot. One large yellow onion. Big chunks. Throw that right in. Just a couple carrots. A bunch of celery. Now let's flavor it up. We're going to go in with a heaping tablespoon of this beef broth paste. Get that in there. Half a stick of butter. One whole head of garlic. We're going to cut the end off. Try and cut the root end off. There's all our little we'll just add those in. Now it's time for the Dan O's original. That's the green top. This is amazing for making any sort of broth. So we're going to add us a good probably two tablespoons of the Dan O's OG. And now for the last step we're going to add two cups of water. You might think oh you need more water in there. You really don't because these vegetables are going to create a lot of broth as well. So we're going to do this for 2 hours. That's going to extract all that flavor out of the bones and out of the meat. And hopefully this ends up being some awesome Oz use. So we're going to give it two hours high temp. Alright we have rested for two hours. Look at that. So it's time to season this bad boy up and we're going into our oven. Turn it upside down. Get your bowl. Going in with a couple big scoops of some mayonnaise. We're going to go in with some stone ground mustard. And now it's time to take this thing to the next level. The Dan O's Primo. Look at this you guys. This is black garlic, black pepper, sea salt. It's got rosemary in there. It's even got black cumin flavors you never had before. A little bit of lepo flake. So we're going to go in with a bunch of this into our mix. We're going to get that mixed up. Now, simply going to rub this in. Smells amazing actually. Nice and coated. Just like that. Alright. Now, we're going to pop the top on our Primo again. Give it another nice little coating just like that. So, now you need one of these in a baking pan and right in the middle. Now, we're going to go in with the rest of our mayonnaise. Rub it on the top. Now, it's time for the last sprinkle And now into our 275 degree oven we go. Just like that. It's been 2 hours. Alright. Come look at this. Look at how tender that rib is. Wow. Alright. We're going to try that. I mean that's phenomenal. It's basically a pot roast. That is really good. Mm. Alright. Now we got our meat set to the side. This is what I'm going to do. I'm going to put everything back in here. Strain out the big stuff. And that's going to be our aisle juice. Add our juice to our pot. I'm going to add a little bit of this browning sauce. I tried this stuff by itself and it's super potent so you don't want to use a lot. This going to help us get that dark color I hope. That's what we wanted. It's lacking one thing. We'll salt it up a little bit. Alright. So our flavor is off the charts but I'm going to try something. I'm going to try and take the fat out of this. Alright you guys. Two hours at two seventy-five. The last fifty minutes. It's been at 300 so I raised it. We're at 118 now. We're going to crank this up all the way to 500. And now we're going to get a crust on it. Alright. Look. You can see we threw this in the freezer for about an hour. You can pull the grease right off the top. And then if we want to add some of this grease back in. We totally can. So I'm basically going to pull almost all of it out. We'll leave that last little bit in there. Now we're going to heat this up. Bring it back to a boil. We're going to try it. See how it is. Alright. Let's give it a test. There is no reason to be eating that. I'm not adding any of that back in there. That's amazing. Y'all need to follow that recipe. Alright my friends. It's time. Now we're just going to let it rest for a good hour. Oh yeah. While this rest make sure you cover it up. Like that. Time for the moment of truth. Cut juicy that is. Wow. Look I'm going to give it a little one of them. Wow. That look awesome. Pull that off. You gently pull it and press down. You can kind of keep your crust on. Look at that. Learn something. Remove our strings. Get back to cut. Smells amazing. Wow. I think we did good. Oh my goodness. That is so tender. I'm telling y'all that's why we do the milk marinade. Look at that. Let's just try it by itself. Nope. Nobody is making a prime rib that tender without milk marinating. Oh my goodness. Wow. Look at this. Dipping our azux. The homemade horseradish sauce right there. That is insane. How tender this is. How juicy this is. Best prime rib you're ever going to have. That's the best one I've ever made. And I know it's not even perfectly cooked. I mean you got a little pinky on the inside. Maybe a little more well done on the outside. It's not what I wanted. But this is the tender prime rib you ever going to have. Try it. Thank me later. Love y'all. We'll see you next time. Keep sprinkling. And that's a yum yum. Get you some.
2.2M views · 8K reactions | Prime Rib for Beginners | How to make Prime Rib for Beginners. Use this formula for cook time. For every pound multiply by 5 and cook at 500f degrees then turn off heat and leave... | By My Healthy Dish | Facebook