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Stella Drivas 🇬🇷🇺🇸 on Instagram: "COMMENT ‘RECIPE’ to receive a direct link to this recipe in your DMs inbox 🥔🧀🥔 These CRISPY PARMESAN POTATO CHIPS are one of my most viral recipes. They’re super simple to make with only 2 main ingredients. You will fall in love ❤️ Full recipe is on my website: https://hungryhappens.net/crispy-parmesan-potato-chips/ 💙Stella"
Stella Drivas 🇬🇷🇺🇸 on Instagram: "COMMENT ‘RECIPE’ to receive a direct link to this recipe in your DMs inbox 🥔🧀🥔 These CHEESY SMASHED POTATOES have an extra layer of cheese on the bottom of the pan which make them extra crispy. You will fall in love. Full recipe is on my website: https://hungryhappens.net/the-best-cheesy-smashed-potatoes/ 💙Stella"
Sema Cenik on Instagram: "Brokolilisini yaptık neden patateslisini yapmayalım🙂‍↔️ sıradaki ne olsun?🥲"
Alma Hassan on Instagram: "POTATIS OCH KARAMELLISERAD LÖK PÅ SMÖRDEG🥔 🧅 1 förpackning smördeg 150 g färskost 4-6 potatisar 3 gula lökar 100 g Västerbottensost Salt & peppar efter smak 2 msk rapsolja 2 msk smör 2 msk strösocker Färsk timjan Rulla ut smördeg och lägg den på en ugnsplåt med bakplåtspapper eller på pappret som följer med. Nagga smördeg med gaffel. Skär löken i skivor. Stek löken sakta i smör och olja i en stekpanna. Löken ska bli mjuk. Detta tar ca 15 min. Strössla på socker och stek i någon minut till. Skiva potatis tunt, gärna på mandolin. Bred på färskost. Toppa med potatis. Salta och peppra. Lägg över lök, ost och timjan. Baka i ugnen på 200 grader i ca 20-25 min."
Meal Prepping on Instagram: "Say "YUM" if you would eat this MASHED POTATO GRATIN by @dontgobaconmyheart_ Serves 6-8 INGREDIENTS ➡️MASH: 1.5kg / 3.3lb Baking Potatoes 1 tbsp + 1 tsp Salt, or to taste 6 tbsp / 90g Butter, leave at room temp 160ml / 2/3 cup Cream, leave at room temp 150g / 1 1/2 cups Cheddar, 1/4 tsp Black Pepper, or to taste ➡️GRATIN: 750g / 1.6lb Baking Potatoes 2 tbsp / 30g Butter, melted 1 large clove of Garlic, finely grated/minced 1/4 - 1/2 tsp Salt, or to taste 1/8 - 1/4 tsp Black Pepper, or to taste 40g / 1.4oz Parmesan (preferably fresh dusty variety) finely diced Fresh Chives, to garnish METHOD 1️⃣For the mash, peel and dice the potatoes into chunks, then place them in a large pot of cold water. Stir in 1 tbsp salt and turn the heat to high. Bring to a boil,
Caitlin Latessa-Greene on Instagram: "CRISPY ROASTED GARLIC-HONEY BUTTER HASSELBACK POTATOES! They are too good! • For the garlic: 1 head garlic, top sliced off Olive oil Salt Pepper • For the potatoes: 5 medium gold potatoes, washed Olive oil Salt • For the butter: 3 tbsp unsalted butter, melted 1 tbsp fresh thyme 1/2 tsp salt Roasted garlic (from above) 1 1/2 tbsp honey 1/2 tsp paprika • Optional for serving: Sour cream (mixed with chives) Chopped fresh cilantro Toasted pine nuts • 1️⃣Preheat the oven to 400. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and set aside.2️⃣Make the garlic. Add the garlic to a piece of parchment paper, drizzle the cut part with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Wrap the head of garlic in the parchment and place in the oven for 30-35 minutes, or longer
Patri Tena | Tictacyummy on Instagram: "Rollito de patata relleno de salmón 🍣 ¡Y SORTEO! Con solo 4 ingredientes, cena sencilla y ecológica 🍃 ·3 patatas ecológicas ·Queso rallado ecológico •Queso de untar ecológico •Guacamole ecológico ·Salmón ahumado ecológico ·Brotes ecológicos . •Comienza cortando muy finamente las patatas con ayuda de una mandolina. ·Extiende las láminas de manera sobrepuesta, sobre una bandeja de horno, píntalas con una pizca de aceite de oliva virgen y espolvorea una fina capa de queso rallado. ·Hornea durante 20 minutos o hasta que queden doradas. ·Pasado el tiempo, ya tienes la lámina de patata lista para rellenar. ·Pon un poco de queso de untar, unas cucharadas de guacamole, unas lonchas de salmón ahumado y por último unos brotes. ·Ve enrollando y presionando
Derya on Instagram: "Käse Kartoffel Sandwich Zutaten für 3 Sandwiches • 2 mittelgroße festkochende Kartoffeln •Etwas Öl zum bestreichen • 100 g geriebenen Käse • 1 Avocado •2 EL Zitronensaft •Salz und Pfeffer • 1 körniger Frischkäse •1 große Fleischtomate •1/2 Gurke • 2 hartgekochte Eier Kartoffeln waschen und in 2 mm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Auf dem mit Backpapier ausgelegten Blech die Kartoffelscheiben so legen, dass die Scheiben sich ca zum 1/3 überlappen . Mit Öl bestreichen und mit Käse bestreuen, sodass alle Verbindungsstellen bedeckt sind. Im vorgeheizten Ofen, die ersten 10 Minuten auf 160 Grad Umluft backen und dann die Temperatur auf 180 Grad stellen und so lange backen bis die Kartoffeln goldbraun sind. Das ganze kurz auskühlen lassen. Dann drehen, sodass die Käseseite nach u
Frederikke Wærens - Food & Cake inspiration on Instagram: "The viral potato wraps with cheese and oregano filled with pesto, spinach, parma ham, mozzarella, balsamic glace and pine nuts👏🏻🌯 An easy glutenfree wrap that you can fill with anything you like😍 Go get the easy recipe on my blog (in both Danish and English) - link in bio #potatowrap #kartoffelwrap #potatoes"
Izabella Jakubec on Instagram: "🚀 We’re back with my viral potato series! Today, we’re making Mini Crushed Potato Tarts—tender potato base topped with creamy spinach feta and vibrant tomato salsa. Perfect for appetisers, snacks, or light meals! 🥔✨ Your love for this series has been incredible! I’m so grateful for all the positive feedback and for everyone sharing their cooking experiences. 💖 Get the full recipe on my website—link in bio! Or just comment ‘tart,’ and I’ll send you an automated link. Don’t forget to follow me to receive it (you can always unfollow later, but I’d love if you stayed🥰#). If you don’t get the link, DM me, and I’ll resend it. 📩 Happy baking, Izabella❤️ #potato #tart #glutenfree #baking"
🍃 Amelie COLLIN on Instagram: "Tarte aux Pommes de Terre et Oignons Caramélisés 🫠🧅🤭 Pour plus de recettes sans gluten, retrouve mon e-book avec mes 30 recettes incontournables sans gluten en suivant le lien dans ma bio ❤️ Ingrédients : • Pommes de terre (quantité nécessaire pour recouvrir le fond de tarte, cela dépend de la taille des pommes de terre) • 2-3 oignons (selon la taille) • 196 g de crème fraîche épaisse • 1 gousse d’ail • Quelques brins de ciboulette • 150 g d’emmental râpé • Huile d’olive • Sel, poivre, noix de muscade • 1 cuillère à soupe de sirop d’érable • 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre balsamique • 1 cuillère à café de ghee Instructions : Faites cuire les pommes de terre à l’étouffée avec un fond d’eau, jusqu’à ce qu’un cure-dents s’insère facilement. P
Love Vegan on Instagram: ""GET The Complete Plant Based Cookbook - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @lovevegan_recipes 1️⃣ or 2️⃣? Which #recipe would you try?👇 By @fitgreenmind 1️⃣ SHAKE ‘N’ BAKE POTATOES 🥔 Easy dinner, here we go! 🤗 RECIPE (3 servings each 341cal/5P/51C/10F): -1kg potatoes + enough water to cover -1 Tsp each salt and baking powder -1/8 cup (30ml) oil -juice of 1 lime -5 cloves garlic -1 small red onion -1 Tsp each salt and chili flakes BOIL the potatoes in the water plus salt and baking powder for 5-7mins (till fork-tender)/DRAIN and season with oil, lime juice, salt, garlic, onion and chili flakes/SHAKE and place on a hot (!) baking tray/BAKE at 220CELSIUS/440F for 25-30mins 2️⃣ ROASTED POTATOES 🥔 The ultimate re
👩🏻‍🎓MISS AIR FRYER NINJA👩🏻‍🔬 on Instagram: "GRATIN MILLE FEUILLE POTATOES Ingrédients: 7 grosses pommes de terre, pelées et tranchées finement Pour la sauce: 100 grammes de beurre fondu, 5 œufs, Cuillerée à thé de sel, 1/2 cuillère à café de poivre noir, 1/4 tasse de ciboulette hachée, 1/4 tasse de farine d’amande ou de chapelure, 1/2 1 tasse de crème de cuisson,( crème liquide ) cuillère à café d’ail écrasé, saupoudrer de 100 grammes de parmesan râpé. La préparation: Chauffez le four à 200 degrés en mode turbo. ou air fryer 180 Disposez les pommes de terre dans la plaque du four. Parsemer de ciboulette ciselée, Mélangez tous les ingrédients de la sauce et versez uniformément sur les pommes de terre. Saupoudrer de parmesan. Bien couvrir de papier sulfurisé et de papier d’alumin
Marcus Frank on Instagram: "Smashad potatis i våffeljärnet! 😍🥔 Visste du att man kan förvandla en helt vanlig lite halvtrist överbliven kokt potatis till en superkrispig rackare på bara 1 minut i våffeljärnet? Jag toppade med flingsalt, persilja & riven parmesan och vips så har man ett så gott tillbehör till det mesta! 🤌🏼 Klicka på SPARA och dela till någon som behöver se det här! 🫢 Det enda du behöver är.. Kokta små potatisar En klick smör Ett våffeljärn Hetta upp våffeljärnet och klicka i lite smör. Lägg i potatisen och tryck till järnet så den ”smashas”. Ta ur potatisen när den fått en fin färg och blivit krispig. Sen kan man antingen bara strö över lite flingsalt eller toppa med t.ex. persilja, parmesanost, salt & peppar. Har du testat att göra såhär tidigare? Eller kommer du g