
Sherman Multicultural Arts School in Milwaukee is a Turnaround Arts School. Our school musical for the 2017-2018 school year is Aladdin. Here are some resources both for the production of Aladdin and for classroom studies and activities related to Aladdin, the Arabian Nights, and Arabian culture and history.
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Плакаты знаменитых мультфильмов Дисней с силуэтами героев
Aladdin Poster
Cool Disney Facts
To capture the movement of Aladdin's baggy pants, animators studied videos of M C Hammer.
Costume Design for Disney’s Aladdin on Broadway!
Costume Design for Disney's Aladdin on Broadway! - Tyranny of Style. Interview with costume designer Gregg Barnes.
Scenic Design
Aladdin Sets Designs | Posted in Drawings , Scenic Design on September 7th, 2012
21 DIY Disney Costumes to Make Your Kid For Halloween This Year