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kirtana on Instagram: "BOMBAY SANDWICH WRAP| would you try this out?! tortilla of choice green chutney sliced tomatoes sliced cucumbers serranos amul cheese chaat masala maggi masala ketchup #bombaysandwich #bombaysandwiches #grilledsandwich #sandwich #sandwichlover #sandwichporn #sandwichwrap #wrappedsandwich #sandwiches #sandwichrecipe #sandwichoftheday #sandwichclub #sandwichesofinstagram #amulcheese #easydinner #easylunch #easylunchideas #quickweekdaymeals #easymeals #easymeal #tortillawrap #tortillawraps"
Viraj Naik on Instagram: "Ek bar Dal Palak is tarike se baniye, bhut hi gajab banegi Quick, healthy, and super tasty – perfect for winters #DalPalak #HealthyRecipes #WinterComfortFood #QuickMeals #IndianFood #TastyAndHealthy #GharKaKhana #WinterMeals #DalPalakRecipe"
Viraj Naik on Instagram: "Craving the perfect pav bhaji? Here’s the recipe for buttery, spicy street-style pav bhaji that will satisfy all your food cravings. #pavbhaji #pavbhajirecipe #StreetFoodRecipe #ButteryPavBhaji #IndianStreetFood #QuickRecipes"
Sindhi Lolo | Mitho Lolo Recipe| Thadri Recipes | Thadri Lolo | how to make Sindhi Lolo |Meetha lola
Sindhi Lolo | Mitho Lolo Recipe| Thadri Recipes | Thadri Lolo | how to make Sindhi Lolo |Meetha lola
Anna Kasinska on Instagram: "* ANGIELSKIE BUŁKI Z KURCZAKIEM I COLESLAW * Lubisz? Nie lubisz? ENGLISH MUFFIN 500g mąki pszennej uniwersalnej lub typ 500 130 ml letniej wody 130 ml letniego mleka 7g suchych drożdży lub 25g świeżych 15g cukru 40g miekkiego masła 1 łyżeczka soli kasza manna lub mąka kukurydziana do podsypania Do misy mixera wsypać mąkę,drożdże, cukier i mleko.Zamieszać. Dodać sól i mleko i wszystko połączyć.Na koniec dodać miekkie masło i hakiem wyrabiać ciasto około 7 min aż będzie gładkie. Przykryć folią spożywczą i odstawić do wyrośnięcia na 40-60 min. Blat posypać kasza manną ,wyłożyć wyrośnięte ciasto i rozwałkować na grubość około 1 -1,5cm.Wykrawać koła o średnicy 8cm. Przykryć ściereczką i odstawić na 30 min do napuszenia. Rozgrzać patelnię i na niskiej mocy i
Nadia Aidi on Instagram: "Manchego Crusted Potatoes & Spicy Roasted Garlic Ajonesa (very similar to aioli). Ingredients: ● 6 small yukon gold potatoes. ● 8 oz grated aged manchego. ● 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil from Spain ● 1/2 tbsp smoked paprika. ● seasoned salt to taste. Roasted garlic ajonesa: 3/4 cup + 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. 1 egg. 1 garlic head. 1 tsp chipotle powder. 1/4 tsp seasoned salt. tiny squeeze lemon. Directions: 1. Slice the top off the garlic head. Drizzle 1 tbsp of olive oil on it and add some salt. 2. Roast at 400F for 45 min. 3. For the aioli, add the egg, chipotle powder, lemon drizzle, salt and garlic head to a flat bottomed container. Add HALF of the olive oil on top, make sure you add this at the very end. Add your immersion blender and turn it
Mexican Street Corn Deviled Eggs
Get ready for deviled eggs that bring the heat! These Mexican Street Corn Deviled Eggs are packing serious flavor, and trust us—they’re not here to blend in.
Rabia Farooq on Instagram: "There are several ways to make Karahi, but I’ve recently learned a new method that focuses on a key seasoning element. I promise I’ll perfect it and share it with you soon, but in the meantime, follow this recipe for a delicious Karahi experience! 🔸Ingredients: * One whole chicken, cut into Karahi pieces * One garlic bulb * Seven tomatoes * Desi ghee and regular oil * Green chillies * Boxed Karahi masala powder 2 tbsp * OR you can use your own spices: * 1 tbsp coriander powder * 1 tsp zeera * 9 to 10 black peppercorns * 4 to 5 red long peppers * Dry roast the spices on medium flame * In a grinder, add the roasted spices, 1 black cardamom, 2 green cardamoms, 1 cinnamon stick, and a very tiny piece of mace, then grind them into a powder * Salt 🔸Method:
Crispy Baked Shrimp Scampi
Oven baked Shrimp Scampi with a hint of lemon and garlic, topped with flavourful golden and buttery, garlic parmesan breadcrumbs.
Crispy Baked Shrimp Scampi
Crispy Baked Shrimp Scampi - Cafe Delites
Crispy Baked Shrimp Scampi
Crispy Baked Shrimp Scampi - Cafe Delites
iRick Wiggins on Instagram: "Say “YUM” if you would eat these Everything Bagel Bites 🥯😋🙌 What you need: 1 low carb tortilla 3 oz cream cheese 1-2 tsp everything bagel seasoning 1 tbsp melted butter How to make it: 1. Spread your cream cheese on the tortilla & add everything bagel seasoning. 2. Roll tightly, brush with the butter and air fry @ 400F for 5-8 mins. Take them out & enjoy! Note: You can totally add more everything but the bagel if you’re familiar with using it and any love adding a lot to your recipes."