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The Minds Journal - Your Guide For Better Mental Health and Relationships
She Wasn’t Just talking About Her Hair
Sometimes you can cheer people on and invest in their lives but if they don't want to help themselves and just spend all their time taking advantage of you and gossiping and hurting you then it's time to let them go. They are distracting you from those who really need you and need your help or love.
Anxiety Love Quotes
For those who are facing generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), getting through a challenging bout of symptoms can feel impossible. Even those who work with therapists on effective ways to work through anxious thoughts face days where they feel obstacles are insurmountable. In these dark moments, you (or a loved one who cares for you) may reach for a bit of motivation to accept the challenges ahead of you — and to find the energy to try again tomorrow.It's true that everyone faces their...