cloth embroidery

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When I work on a new embroidery pattern I always stitch the design before I list them in my shop. I’m working on this floral embroidery piece for the coming month with some basic embroidery stitches for beginners like the satin stitch and straight stitch. I hope you enjoy the little peek!  •  •
Using Basic Embroidery Stitches like the Satin Stitch to Make Cute Flowers
When I work on a new embroidery pattern I always stitch the design before I list them in my shop. I’m working on this floral embroidery piece for the coming month with some basic embroidery stitches for beginners like the satin stitch and straight stitch. I hope you enjoy the little peek! • •
This may contain: some yellow flowers are sitting on a white table cloth and the embroidery has been stitched onto it
Daily Embroidery Stitch Fix: Completing my Flowers with the Lazy Daisy Stitch and French Knots
I try to embroider daily and sometimes it’s something cute and small like this little flower embroidery while other days I just get a portion of a pattern stitched. Regardless, taking a little time out for creative moments that relax you is important. Stitching is my way of meditating. It doesn’t have to be fancy, and it can be as easy as a flower. This cutie was created with the following stitches: • Outline stitch • Satin stitch • Lazy daisy stitch • French knot These are very basic embroidery stitches for beginners. Visit my blog or YouTube for tutorials! • •