Upcycled Creativ

Turning the old into the creative, people who see extraordinary potential in the old inspire me....
84 Pins
Amazing Design from Used Plastic Bottles
plastic bottle craft | Plastic Bottle Crafts / plastic bottle flowers -- link doesn't seem to work...use thumbnail
22 idee + tutorial per creare delle fioriere da far invidia a tutti. Tutte da copiare!!!
Sculptures Made from Repurposed PET Plastic Bottles
Sculptures Made from Repurposed PET Plastic Bottles
Межгалактический Протон Powered Электрические щупальцами Реклама Droid
¿Frío o Caliente? La rejilla del horno como tablón de notas (x4duros)
¿Frío o Caliente? La rejilla del horno como tablón de notas (x4duros)
Кролик из пластиковой бутылки в технике папье-маше. ФОТО-МК
Рукоделие | Постила
Глазки из пластиковой ложки | Забавы от Натальи