
99 Pins
"Proje, Cami Mimarlığının Türkiye’de Ulaştığı Katılaşmış Biçimci Tutumla Baş Etmeye Çalışıyor" - Arkitera
Mahalle Tasarımı Fikir Yarışması Eşdeğer Birincilik ödülü
The multi-functional building mainly provide housing and social areas for its inhabitants. At the intersection of two sides of the L shaped building there is a social core which includes shared space for inhabitants. Social core balances private and public space proportion by providing additional common space to private apartments. #Housingcompetition
Propuesta de rascacielos de madera es una alternativa sostenible a los edificios de acero y hormigón
Propuesta de rascacielos de madera es una alternativa sostenible a los edificios de acero y hormigón | Plataforma Arquitectura
Interview: Büro Ole Scheeren Unveils Designs for Guardian Art Center in Beijing