Tati, Petal and Milo

All about our wonderful dogs! The life and adventures of Tati the chocolate English Cockapoo, Petal the apricot American cockapoo and her half brother Milo, an Apricot/cream Poodle with a dash of Collie!
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Milo was so chunky at 8 weeks! This is the day we fetched him to his new home.
Ain't my tongue all pink and pretty? Tati seems to be saying!
Petal loves to run with her 'upright' sister Abi! With her PupRepublic hands free leash!
Phew, that was good on this hot day - a dip in the harbour!
Is that Petal with her ball again? She saved it from the sea this time
OMG! Tati the first day she came to het forever home, aged 8 weeks. Cuteness overload....
It's Tati! Cheeky, lively escape-crazy English working cockapoo. SHe's just found the biggest sticks on the beach!
Petal, our sweet, sweet American cockapoo, with her precious tennis ball on the beach