Deco 2

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Fireplaces & TVs: What You Need to Know
Ever wondered what size fireplace will look best below your TV? We've sold thousands of fireplaces to go below TVs, and we know what looks best. Here's a quick guide. The bare minimum is that the fireplace should be at least as wide as the TV. If the fireplace can be wider, even better. With electric fireplaces, you can go as big as you want -- they will never overheat the wall or the room. Ready to grab yours? Click through to shop our beautiful fireplaces today.
BRAD LEAVITT on Instagram: "This fireplace wall features 18 feet of greatness. There was a tremendous amount of coordination and engineering to install these 2 CM slabs, one on top of another. And of course, the mandatory slab book matching. And just to the right of the fireplace is the corner multi-slider that both fully pocket into the wall. The finishes look great, but of course we get excited about the construction details behind the scenes. Proj Mgmt @paul_aftconstruction2 @buildertrend Ar