Note to self quotes

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A few simple truths to start the month🙏🏽 . . . . . . . . . . . #biblejournalinglife #bibleartjounal #faithart #christiancreatives #illustratedfaithcommunity #christiancreativecommunity #christianwomen #christianquotes #womenoffaith #christiangirls #graceupongrace #shespeakstruth #biblejournaling #womenintheword #daughtersofdelight #christiancreative #followerofchrist #prochurchmedia
“Do you still trust me? Amidst disappointments and perceived ‘failures,’ do you still have faith that I have a better plan than you could possibly imagine? You can trust me, child. I’m right here with you. Look up. Look up at me. Let me cup your face, cradle you in my arms, remind you that I call you mine, and promise to care for you and nurse you back to health. Surrender, child, with a heart full of hope. Always and forever, you can put your full faith on me.” For I know the plans I have ...
Daily Devotionals and Hand-lettering Inspiration for Christian Women | Bible Verses for Her
Are you in a place where you can’t see what’s next? You feel like you’re stuck in the fog. You can’t see what’s up ahead or where you’re going. You desperately want answers, but feel like you’re coming up short. If this is you, take heart. We all experience these foggy seasons. The lack of clarity you’re experiencing is probably a strategic move of God. He wants you to slow down. He wants you to trust Him one step at a time... Click the link to read the rest!