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9.2K views · 2.7K reactions | Protestantism has caused the most division in Christianity ☝️✝️ | Voice of Reason ☦️
9.2K views · 2.7K reactions | Protestantism has caused the most division in Christianity ☝️✝️ | Voice of Reason ☦️
Apricot Rugelach (VIDEO)
This is perhaps the easiest rugelach recipe you'll ever come by. Each flakey layer is loaded with apricot jam and chopped walnuts. #rugelach #jewishcookies #christmascookies #holidaycookies #pastry
24K views · 728 reactions | There are 4 things I always do to get a great-looking crust #viral | Kaleb Wise
56 reactions | There are 4 things I always do to get a great-looking crust #viral | Kaleb Wise
1.7K views · 60 reactions | The first dough dump of 2025 felt like something that should be documented. Oh that dough was light and airy and oh so good. This is my happy place. Need a good artisan loaf recipe? Here’s mine … the oversimplified methodology version. This yields one loaf. 100 grams active starter 350 grams water 10 grams salt 500 grams bread flour Combine all ingredients - I always skip the fermentolyse and put the salt right in with everything else. Do four sets of stretch and folds every 30 minutes. Leave covered in a warm spot to finish bulk fermentation. Dough should have scattered bubbles across the surface, feel light and airy and have some good jiggle, be pulling away from the edges and slightly domed on the top. Shape and place in banneton basket in the fridge overnight - up to 48 hours. Preheat oven and Dutch oven to 450* Pour dough onto parchment paper, score and bake with the lid on for 25 minutes. Remove the lid and bake an addition 15-20 minutes until internal temp is at least 195*F and is a nice golden brown color. #sourdoughbaking #sourdoughbread #sourdoughclub #sourdoughlove #sourdoughbaker #homebaker #microbakerylife #sourdoughmicrobakery #sourdoughrecipe #easysourdough | Nichole | sourdough bread lover
1.7K views · 60 reactions | The first dough dump of 2025 felt like something that should be documented. Oh that dough was light and airy and oh so good. This is my happy place. Need a good artisan loaf recipe? Here’s mine … the oversimplified methodology version. This yields one loaf. 100 grams active starter 350 grams water 10 grams salt 500 grams bread flour Combine all ingredients - I always skip the fermentolyse and put the salt right in with everything else. Do four sets of stretch and folds every 30 minutes. Leave covered in a warm spot to finish bulk fermentation. Dough should have scattered bubbles across the surface, feel light and airy and have some good jiggle, be pulling away from the edges and slightly domed on the top. Shape and place in banneton basket in the f
105K views · 885 reactions | Two things. One-some people want to see a shiny new Dutch oven and how beautiful it looks. I want to see a Dutch oven that has been loved and clearly used a ton. As you can see my Dutch oven by Gotham steel has been through some stuff already. I love this thing, the inside wipes clean so easily and it’s withstanding those high heat baked temperatures repeatedly so well! I highly recommend to anyone looking for a new dutch oven. two-I have been toying around with different baked temperatures and times recently to see if I can get an even better loaf. I think my new sweet spot is going to be to bake in a covered preheated Dutch oven at 500° for 20 minutes and then completely remove the sourdough from the Dutch oven per usual and bake at 430° for 20 minutes. I used to do the last 20 minutes at 450°. The 430° second baked. Temperature seems to be producing a much nicer loaf. #sourdough #sourdoughbread #sourdoughbaker #bake #sourdoughstarter #sourdoughrecipe #sourdoughtips #dutchoven #lightweightdutchoven #TikTokShop #tiktokshopdeals #tiktokshopfinds | Havens Sourdough
31K views · 315 reactions | Two things. One-some people want to see a shiny new Dutch oven and how beautiful it looks. I want to see a Dutch oven that has been loved and clearly used a ton. As you can see my Dutch oven by Gotham steel has been through some stuff already. I love this thing, the inside wipes clean so easily and it’s withstanding those high heat baked temperatures repeatedly so well! I highly recommend to anyone looking for a new dutch oven. two-I have been toying around with different baked temperatures and times recently to see if I can get an even better loaf. I think my new sweet spot is going to be to bake in a covered preheated Dutch oven at 500° for 20 minutes and then completely remove the sourdough from the Dutch oven per usual and bake at 430° for 20 minutes. I us
1.6M views · 59K reactions | Создание узора моего сдобного пирога 🥰🙏🏻 Сдобный пирог с 🍎 1)Мука 800гр-1.5кг 2)яйца 2шт 3)масло сл. 100гр 4)молоко 1литр 5)ванилин 1пак 6)разрыхлитель 10гр 7)сахар 1стакан 8)соль 1ст/л 9)дрожжи 1ст/л 10)масло рост.5ст/л Делаем опару в тёплое молоко добавить сахар 1ст/л соль и дрожжи, накрыть и оставить минут на 15 что бы опара поднялась. Далее в просеянную муку  и разрыхлитель  добавить остаток сахара, растопленное масло, яйца, ванилин и опару. Замешиваем тесто очень нежно, сильно набивать его не нужно, тесто должно чуть прилипать к рукам, в конце добавить масло и накрываем пищевой плёнкой или крышкой. Тесто отправить в тёплое место на растойку примерно 1-1.5 часа. Далее достаём наше тесто и делим его на два пирога тоесть 4 клубка- оставить минут 10 на растойку (накрыть лёгким полотенцем) Низ 650 верх 450 должно получиться два низа по 650 и два верха по 450. Начинка на ваш вкус, у меня яблоко тертая. Раскатать низ 650 далее  варенье 5-7ст/л потом раскатываем верх и кладём по верх повидло, далее делаем узор вы его уже видели. Оставьте сформированный пирог на 10 минут накрыть опять лёгким полотенцем. Потом выпекаем 15-20 минут при 220градусов Готовьте с удовольствием и все у вас получится 🙏🏻 #пирогидигора #сдобныйпирог | Аlina ⚪🔴🌕
1.4M views · 52K reactions | Создание узора моего сдобного пирога 🥰🙏🏻 Сдобный пирог с 🍎 1)Мука 800гр-1.5кг 2)яйца 2шт 3)масло сл. 100гр 4)молоко 1литр 5)ванилин 1пак 6)разрыхлитель 10гр 7)сахар 1стакан 8)соль 1ст/л 9)дрожжи 1ст/л 10)масло рост.5ст/л Делаем опару в тёплое молоко добавить сахар 1ст/л соль и дрожжи, накрыть и оставить минут на 15 что бы опара поднялась. Далее в просеянную муку и разрыхлитель добавить остаток сахара, растопленное масло, яйца, ванилин и опару. Замешиваем тесто очень нежно, сильно набивать его не нужно, тесто должно чуть прилипать к рукам, в конце добавить масло и накрываем пищевой плёнкой или крышкой. Тесто отправить в тёплое место на растойку примерно 1-1.5 часа. Далее достаём наше тесто и делим его на два пирога тоесть 4 клубка- оставить минут 10 на р
Italian wine cookies Ciambelline al vino Marisa Cucina Italiana
Italian wine cookies Ciambelline al vino Marisa Cucina Italiana - YouTube
Delicious Traditional Italian Wine Cookies Recipe | Local Aromas
Delicious Traditional Italian Wine Cookies Recipe | Local Aromas - YouTube