Articles / Book chapters by Eva Silvén
The Journal Nordic Museology 2019:3
This article summarises a study about Sami related research and collecting at the Nordic Museum i... more This article summarises a study about Sami related research and collecting at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm, with focus on curator Ernst Manker and the period between 1930 and 1970, however, in a slightly broader time context. Manker was a productive and influential actor in the sociomaterial network that comprised a broad range of people and phenomena connected to Sami issues. His legacy (objects, photographs, exhibitions, scientific research, popular travelogues) is analysed both in its historical context and as a complex contemporary heritage, starting from questions about its possible essentialising or emancipating effects. Although based on an asymmetric power relationship between the Sami and the museum, the research and collections are characterised as culturally intertwined constructions. A postcolonial perspective is used to discuss ways of strengthening the Sami dimension of such heritage: physical transfers (repatriation) and promoting Sami knowledge and meaning related to the collections.
Nordisk Museologi / Nordic Museology 2018:1
Heritage of Death. Landscapes of Emotion, Memory and Practice. Eds. Mattias Frihammar & Helaine Silverman., 2018
Historiens hemvist. III. Minne, medier och materialitet. Eds. Johan Hegardt & Trond Lundemo, 2016
Sápmi i ord och bild. 1. Ed. Kajsa Andersson, 2015
Ethnologia Scandinavica, 2014
National Museums and the Negotiation of Difficult Pasts. Conference Proceedings from EuNaMus, Brussels, January 26–27, 2012. Eds. Dominique Poulot, José Maria Lanzarote Guiral & Felicity Bodenstein, 2013
This paper is about some objects of Sami origin and their movements between different museum cont... more This paper is about some objects of Sami origin and their movements between different museum contexts in an historical perspective. The study forms a part of my contribution to the research program "The sociomaterial dynamics of museum collections", which includes three Swedish national museums in Stockholm: the Nordiska Museet (cultural history), the National Historical Museum (history/archaeology) and the Museum of Ethnography (third/fourth/non-Western world). My part of the project involves the Sami collections in these museums. For this paper, I have chosen to focus on two categories of objects -drums and sieidis -and the possibilities of analysing their role as actors in social networks and how they contribute to construct and maintain power relations between people and institutions.
Långa perspektiv. Samisk forskning och traditionell kunskap. Eds. Peter Sköld & Krister Stoor, 2012
By Lotten Gustafsson Reinius, Eva Silvén & Fredrik Svanberg. Nordisk Museologi 2012:2
By Lotten Gustafsson Reinius, Eva Silvén & Fredrik Svanberg. Nordisk Museologi/Nordic Museology 2012:2
Current Issues in European Cultural Studies. Conference Proceedings. Ed. Martin Fredriksson, 2011
Svenskfinska relationer. Språk, nationalitet och identitet efter 1809. Eds. Maria Sjöberg & Birgitta Svensson, 2011
Samer som ”de andra”, samer om ”de andra”. Identitet och etnicitet i nordiska kulturmöten. Eds. Else Mundal & Håkan Rydving, 2010
Svenska etnologer och folklorister. Eds. Mats Hellspong & Fredrik Skott, 2010
The Museum as Forum and Actor. Ed. Fredrik Svanberg, 2010
L’Image du Sápmi. Études comparées. Ed. Kajsa Andersson, 2009
För Sápmi i tiden. Eds. Christina Westergren & Eva Silvén (Fataburen), 2008
Scandinavian Museums and Cultural Diversity. Eds. Katherine Goodnow & Haci Akman, 2008
Arbete pågår – i tankens mönster och kroppens miljöer. Eds. Anders Houltz, Brita Lundström, Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Marie Nisser & Eva Silvén, 2008
Houltz, A., Lundström, B., Magnusson, L., Morell, M., Nisser, M., Silvén, E. (redaktörer), Arbete... more Houltz, A., Lundström, B., Magnusson, L., Morell, M., Nisser, M., Silvén, E. (redaktörer), Arbete pågår -i tankens mönster och kroppens miljöer. (Work in progress -in mind and materiality). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala Studies in Economic History 86. 299 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 978-91-554-7291-7
Comparing: National Museums, Territories, Nation-Building and Change. Eds. Andreas Nyblom & Peter Aronsson, 2008
This paper deals with the question of how the Sami, an indigenous people in northern Scandinavia ... more This paper deals with the question of how the Sami, an indigenous people in northern Scandinavia and Russia, over a period of more than 130 years have been presented in permanent exhibitions at the Nordiska Museet, the Swedish national museum of cultural history. It is a topic that can be used to analyse the construction of the national museum as well as the narratives about the Sami, but also to understand the role of museums in shaping social and ethnic categories and their situation in society.
Articles / Book chapters by Eva Silvén