Papers by Golden Gadzirai Nyambuya

The Lorentz invariant Dirac equation upon which our deepest understanding of the most fundamental... more The Lorentz invariant Dirac equation upon which our deepest understanding of the most fundamental Quantum Mechanics is based-exhibits perfect discrete symmetries of Charge Conjugation C ðÞ , Parity P ðÞ and Time T ðÞ reversal. Not only does the Dirac equation obey these three symmetries C; P; T ðÞ , but also all the possible combinations of these symmetries, i.e., CT, CP, PT and CPT. When it comes to the C-symmetry, what this means is that-contrary to physical and natural reality-the Universe must contain equal portions of matter and antimatter. Obviously-this state of affairs that the Dirac equation leads to predictions that are contrary of observations-this-is based on the notion that the Dirac equation in its bare form as handed to us by Dirac is a correct description of reality on this front. In this chapter, we present a fundamental theoretical argument to the effect that: a symmetry violating curved spacetime version of the Dirac equation may be a perdurable solution to this long standing conundrum.
viXra, Nov 1, 2016
We show that, if one adheres to a method akin to Dirac's method, the Dirac equation is not th... more We show that, if one adheres to a method akin to Dirac's method, the Dirac equation is not the only equation that one can generate but there is a whole new twenty four equations one can derive. It can be further shown that some of these equations violate C, P, T, CT, CP, PT and CPT-symmetry.

viXra, May 1, 2012
The Poisson-Laplace equation is a working and acceptable equation of gravitation which is mostly ... more The Poisson-Laplace equation is a working and acceptable equation of gravitation which is mostly used or applied in its differential form in Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) modelling of e.g. molecular clouds. From a general relativistic standpoint, it describes gravitational fields in the region of low spacetime curvature as it emerges in the weak field limit. For non-static gravitational fields, this equation is not generally covariant. On the requirements of general covariance, this equation can be extended to include a time dependent component, in which case, one is led to the Four Poisson-Laplace equation. We solve the Four Poisson-Laplace equation for radial solutions, and apart from the Newtonian gravitational component, we obtain four new solutions leading to four new gravitational components capable (in-principle) of explaining e.g. the Pioneer anomaly, the Titius-Bode Law and the formation of planetary rings. In this letter, we focus only on writing down these solutions. The task to show that these new solutions might explain the aforesaid gravitational anomalies, has been left for separate future readings

We present a plausible solution to the so-called Faint Young Sun Paradox (FYS-Paradox) within the... more We present a plausible solution to the so-called Faint Young Sun Paradox (FYS-Paradox) within the context of the Expanding Earth Hypothesis (EEH). We show that ifas the current state of the art ITRF observations seem to indicate-the Earth is expanding steadily at a paltry rate of ∼ +0.36(6) mm/yr (Shen et al. 2015) and the Earth's atmosphere is to have a radial vertical height of about one and a half times the Earth's radius (∼ 9860 km) from the the Earth's surface, then, one can (might) explain the presence of liquid water on the Earth's surface some 3.80 − to − 2.50 billion years ago during the Archaean eon when the Sun's luminosity was about 75% of its current luminosity. Our suggested (proposed) solution makes use of the veritable fact that the albedo of an atmosphere endowed planet will vary in proportion and in response to the expansion (or contraction) of the planet. The Earth system is herein cast as an automatic self-regulating incubator where the auto-self-regulating mechanism is as a result of the solid Earth's radial expansion. Our findings have significant and serious implications for the conditions obtaining in the early Earth. These conditions obtaining in the early Earth can be used as general sine-qua-non conditions for probing the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe.

Despite its great success in explaining the physical world as we know it, the fundamental origins... more Despite its great success in explaining the physical world as we know it, the fundamental origins of the Dirac equation remains for the most part, enshrouded in deep mystery. What are the fundamental origins of this beautiful equation? To begin with, why does this equation exist and what does it tell us about the nature of spacetime or the World? Professor Dirac’s derivation of requiring that there exists a first order differential equation which upon ‘squaring’ reproduces the Klein-Gordon equation by no means offers any real and tangible clue as to its reason for existence. At best, Professor Dirac’s derivation is an agile, prudent, very wise and esoteric guess that led to an equation with a direct correspondence with experience. This reading makes the modest endeavour to unlock the fundamental origins of the Dirac equation from the vantage-point of a proposed Unified Field Theory whose succinct exposition we give herein.

Journal article from Scientific Research. 2014. Journal of Morden Physics. Vol. 5(12).,This is th... more Journal article from Scientific Research. 2014. Journal of Morden Physics. Vol. 5(12).,This is the last instalment in a four part series, the aim of the work being to introduce absolute motion into Einstein?s Special Theory of Relativity (STR). In Paper (I), we provided a new solution to the traditional twin paradox of Einstein & Langevin. This new solution suggests that hidden within the labyrinth of its seemingly coherent and consistent structure and fabric, Einstein?s STR implies absolute motion. In Paper (II) we proposed the truly paradoxical case of the symmetric travelling twins. It is seen therein that this case unearths the deeply hidden inconsistency of Einstein?s STR. This irretrievable contradiction seen in the case of the symmetric twins not only suggests, but points to the undeniable need and necessity for absolute motion. We thus set-forth in Paper (III) a relativistic aether model, which at best can be described as the Special Theory of Relativity in Absolute Space (STRAS). Having build the theory, we herein revisit several experiments carried out to detect absolute motion. The new theory i.e. the STRAS, requires that these experiments be recalibrated. So doing ? i.e. recalibrating these experiments, we find that the Earth?s speed through the hypothetical aether medium varies in the range ? 130 ? 350 kms?1 i.e. 240 ? 110 kms?1.
This short reading is an extraction from our previous work [1], the purpose of which is to make c... more This short reading is an extraction from our previous work [1], the purpose of which is to make clear that it is very much possible to use Weyl's idea [2] of a conformal metric to achieve tensorial affinities. We are of the strong view that this is very important as it is predominantly assumed that this not possible. We want to dispel this myth once and for al-time.
arXiv (Cornell University), Apr 12, 2008
This paper is an attempt at the now 30 year old criticism leveled by Professor Herbert Dingle aga... more This paper is an attempt at the now 30 year old criticism leveled by Professor Herbert Dingle against the Special Theory of Relativity (STR). Herbert Dingle was a known critic of the STR who believed this theory was self contradictory hence self-inconsistent. He was unsuccessful in his endeavor to persuading the scientific community of the inconsistency of the STR, largely because experiments carried out proved it correct. These inconsistencies would not be measured by experiment and they are mainly conceptual in nature. A suggestion is made here, that attempts to give an answer to Professor Herbert Dingle's criticism of the STR.

arXiv (Cornell University), Sep 6, 2008
The famous twin paradox of the Special Theory of Relativity by Einstein (1905) is revisited and r... more The famous twin paradox of the Special Theory of Relativity by Einstein (1905) is revisited and revised. This paradox is not a paradox in the true sense of a paradox but a reflection of a misunderstanding of the problem and the Principle of Relativity. The currently accepted solution to this takes into account the accelerations and deceleration of the traveling twin thus introducing an asymmetry that solves the paradox. We argue here that, with the acceleration and deceleration neglected, the problem is asymmetric hence leading to the same conclusion that the traveling twin will age less than the stay at home. We introduce a symmetric twin paradox whose solution can not be found within the currently accepted provinces of the STR if one adopts the currently accepted philosophy of the STR namely that it is impossible for an inertial observer to determine their state of motion. To resolve this, we present (in our modest view) a simple and convincing argument that leads us to conclude that it must be possible for an inertial observer to determine their own state of motion. With this, we are able to solve the symmetric twin paradox. The fact that it is possible for an inertial observer to determine their state of motion-brings us back to the long rejected idea of an all pervading and permeating medium-the Aether, namely the Lorentz luminiferous Aether. An experiment capable of validating or invalidating this claim is suggested.

We present a plausible solution to the now forty seven year old paleoclimatology riddle 1 of the ... more We present a plausible solution to the now forty seven year old paleoclimatology riddle 1 of the so-called Faint Young Sun Paradox via the combined hypothesis of the conservation of the 2 state of radiation balance between the Earth and Sun and that of an expanding Earth, where, in the 3 face of a changing (increasing) Solar luminosity, the Earth would maintain steady temperatures 4 by readjusting the height of its atmosphere. That is to say, depending on whether or not the 5 radius of the solid Earth is changing, this readjustment of the height of the Earth's atmosphere 6 would mean two things-i.e.: (1) either the height increases-in which event the Earth accretes 7 matter from its immediate surroundings (i.e., the obvious pool formed by the Solar wind) thereby 8 increasing the mass of the Earth's atmosphere, or: (2) the height decreases-in which event 9 the Earth naturally expels matter from its atmosphere, thereby decreasing the effective mass of 10 the Earth. We demonstrate that if-as the current state of the art ITRF observations seem to 11 indicate, namely that-the Earth's landmass is steadily expanding globally at a paltry rate of 12 ∼ +0.45 ± 0.05 mm • yr −1 , and, that the Earth's atmosphere is to have a present radial vertical 13 height of about one third of the Earth's radius (∼ 2860 km) from the Earth's surface, then, one 14 can (might) with relative ease, explain not only the presence of liquid water on the Earth's surface 15 some ∼ 3.20 ± 0.70 Gyr ago during the Archaean eon when the Sun was about 75% of its current 16 luminosity, but also the present radial expansion rate of the Earth. When all is said and done, 17 the Earth system is herein cast as an auto-self-regulating incubator where the auto-self-regulating 18 mechanism is as a result of the Earth's atmosphere responding by automatically readjusting its 19 height.

viXra, Oct 1, 2017
In the reading Nyambuya (2015), we proposed a hypothetical state of the Hydrogen atom whose name ... more In the reading Nyambuya (2015), we proposed a hypothetical state of the Hydrogen atom whose name we coined 'Neutronium'. That is to say, in the typical Hydrogen atom, the Electron is assumed to orbit the Proton, while in the Neutronium, the converse is assumed, i.e., the Proton orbits the Electron. In the present reading, we present some seductive argument which lead us to think that this Neutronium may actually be the usual Neutron that we are used to know. That is to say, we show that under certain assumed conditions, a free Neutronium may be unstable while a non-free Neutronium is stable in its confinement. Given that a free Neutron is stable in it confinement of the nucleus and unstable where free with a lifetime of ∼ 15 min, one wonders whether or not this Neutronium might be the Neutron if we are to match the lifetime of a free Neutronium to that of a free Neutron.

In Newtonian gravitational physics, as currently understood, the spin of a gravitating body has n... more In Newtonian gravitational physics, as currently understood, the spin of a gravitating body has no effect on the nature of the gravitational field emergent from this gravitating body. This position has been questioned by the Azimuthally Symmetric Theory of Gravitation (ASTG-model; in Nyambuya $2010$). From the ASTG-model -- which is a theory resulting from the consideration of the azimuthally symmetric solutions of the well known and well accepted Poisson-Laplace equation for gravitation, it has been argued that it is possible to explain the unexpected perihelion shift of Solar planetary orbits. However, as it stands in the present, the ASTG-model suffers from the apparent diabolic defect that there are unknown parameters ($\lambda$'s) in the theory that up to now have not been able to be adequately deduced from theory. If this defect is not taken care of, it would consume the theory altogether, bringing it to a complete standstill, to nothing but an obsolete theory. Effort in r...
New Astronomy, 2019
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service... more This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. Highlights • Nordstrom (1912)'s theory is presented as a viable alternative theory of gravitation. • We argue that the shortcomings of Nordstrom's theory have a solution within the domain of the theory itself. • We argue that Nordstrom's theory can explain the flat rotation curve problem of spiral galaxies.
New Astronomy, 2018
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service... more This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. Highlights • Larson's law may very well be a result of the radiation feedback processes. • Larson's law may very well be a result of the cloud fragmentation processes. • Larson's law suggests a power law relation in the mass of central core and the cloud.

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2015
We here apply the ASTG-model to the observed secular trend in the mean Sun-(Earth-Moon) and Earth... more We here apply the ASTG-model to the observed secular trend in the mean Sun-(Earth-Moon) and Earth-Moon distances thereby providing an alternative explanation as to what the cause of this secular trend may be. Within the margins of observational error; for the semi-major axis rate of the Earth-Moon system, in agreement with observations (of Standish 2005), we obtain a value of about +(5.10 ± 0.10) cm/yr. The ASTG-model predicts orbital drift as being a result of the orbital inclination and the Solar mass loss rate. The Newtonian gravitational constant G is assumed to be an absolute time constant. Krasinsky and Brumberg (2004); Standish (2005) reported for the Earth-Moon system, an orbital recession from the Sun of about +(15.00 ± 4.00) cm/yr and +(7.00 ± 2.00) cm/yr respectively; while Williams et al. (2004); Williams and Boggs (2009); Williams et al. (2014) report for the Moon, a semi-major axis rate of about +(38.08 ± 0.04) mm/yr from the Earth. The predictions of the ASTG-model for the Earth-Moon system agrees very well with those the findings of Standish (2005); Krasinsky and Brumberg (2004). The lost orbital angular momentum for the Earth-Moon system-which we here hypothesize to be gained as spin by the two body Earth-Moon system; this lost angular momentum accounts very well for the observed Lunar drift, therefore, one can safely safely say that the ASTG-model does to a reasonable degree of accuracy predict the observed Lunar semi-major axis rate of about +(38.08 ± 0.04) mm/yr from the Earth.

viXra, 2018
We embolden the idea that the Dirac 4 × 4 γ-matrices are four-vectors where the space components ... more We embolden the idea that the Dirac 4 × 4 γ-matrices are four-vectors where the space components (γ i) represent spin and the forth component (γ 0) should likewise represent the time component of spin in the usual four-vector formalism of the Special Theory of Relativity. With the γ-matrices as four-vectors, it is seen that the Dirac equation admits two kinds of wavefunctions-(1) the usual four component Dirac bispinor ψ and (2) a scalar four component bispinor φ. Realizing this, and knowing forehand of the existing mystery as to why Leptons and Neutrinos come in pairs, we seize the moment and make the suggestion that the pair (ψ, φ) can be used as a starting point to explain mystery of why in their three generations [(e ± , ν e), (µ ± , ν µ), (τ ± , ν τ)], Leptons and Neutrinos come in doublets. In this suggestion, the scalar-bispinor φ can be thought of as the Neutrino while the usual Dirac bispinor ψ can be thought of as the Lepton.
Prespacetime Journal, Apr 8, 2016
We show that, if one adheres to a method akin to Dirac's method, the Dirac equation is not the on... more We show that, if one adheres to a method akin to Dirac's method, the Dirac equation is not the only equation that one can generate but there is a whole new twenty four equations one can derive. It can be further shown that some of these equations violate C, P, T, CT, CP, PT and CPT-symmetry.

viXra, Nov 1, 2016
In an earlier reading, it is argued that the pivotal, all-important, critical, crucial and suppos... more In an earlier reading, it is argued that the pivotal, all-important, critical, crucial and supposedly watershed factor "2" emerging from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (GTR) and used in Solar eclipse measurements by Sir Arthur S. Eddington as the clearest indicator yet that Einstein's GTR is indeed a superior theory to Newton's theory of gravitation may not be adequate as an arbiter to decide the fate of Newtonian gravitational theory. In the present reading, using ideas from research that we have carried out over the years-research whose endeavour is to obtain a General Spin Dirac Equation in Curved Spacetime (GS-Dirac Equation); we present yet another "surprising" result, namely that-if the ideas leading to the GS-Dirac Equation and as-well those presented in the reading rendering the factor "2" as being inadequate as an arbiter to decide the fate of Newtonian gravitational theory, then, the gravitational deflection of a photon may very well depend on its spin in such a manner that if photons of different spins where to be observed undergoing gravitational deflection by a massive object such as the Sun, the resulting deflection may very well be seen exhibiting distinct deflection quantization as a result of the quantized spins.
Prespacetime Journal, Dec 11, 2016
According to our current understanding based on Special Theory of Relativity("STR"), a massive pa... more According to our current understanding based on Special Theory of Relativity("STR"), a massive particle cannot attain the light speed: c = 2.99872354 × 10 8 ms −1. On the other hand, STR does not forbid the existence of particles that travel at superluminal speeds. Only massless particles can travel at the speed of light. In this article, we show that it is plausible to have massive particles paired as product state travel at the speed of light.

×ØÖ Øº This reading is a continuation of the earlier reading Nyambuya (2008); where three new Cur... more ×ØÖ Øº This reading is a continuation of the earlier reading Nyambuya (2008); where three new Curved Spacetime Dirac Equations have been derived mainly to try and account in a natural way for the observed anomalous gyromagnetic ratio of fermions and the suggestions is that particles including the Electron, which is thought to be a point particle, do have a finite spatial size and this is one of the reasons for the observed anomalous gyromagnetic ratio. Combining the idea in Nyambuya (2008) which lead to the derivation of the three new Curved Spacetime Dirac Equations, and the proposed Unified Field Theory (Nyambuya 2007), a total of 12 equations each with 16 sub-components are generated thus leading to a total of 192 equations for the Curved Spacetime Dirac Equation. Some symmetries of these equations are investigated, i.e., the Lorentz symmetry, charge conjugation symmetry (C), time reversal symmetry (T), Space reversal (P) and a combination of the C, P &T-symmetries. It is shown that these equations are Lorentz invariant, obey C-symmetry and that some violate T and P-symmetry while others do not and that they all obey PT-symmetry. These symmetries show (or modestly said-seem to suggest) that anti-particles have positive mass and energy but a negative rest-mass and the opposite sign in electronic charge. Through the inspection of these symmetries, a suggestion is (here) made to the effect that the rest-mass of a particle must be related to the electronic charge of that particle thus leading us to a possible resolution of whether or not Neutrinos do have a none-zero rest-mass. Additionally, we demonstrate that these equations have the potency to explain naturally the observed lepton generation phenomena.
Papers by Golden Gadzirai Nyambuya