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Amy Barclay | A common question I get asked is what trees do I have in my garden. They are silver birch trees or ‘Betula Pendula. I have 4 single stems... | Instagram
natuerlichkreativ #garten #design #ideen #modern #gartendesignideenmodern Jedes Jahr im Frühjahr hat es mich gewurmt, dass so wenig Zierlauch im Garten blüht. Im letzten Herbst habe ich dann daran gedacht und einige Blumenzwiebeln gekauft. Nun blühen sie und ich bin ganz begeistert. Die großen Kugeln ragen weit über Stauden und Rosen hinaus und sind ein großer Blickfang. Allium gibt es in vielen verschiedenen Farben und Größen. Ich habe die früh blühende Sorte 'Allium Sensation' und ein paar wen
Yesterday "open garden" with many enthusiastic visitors: thank you all! 💚🌹💚 And today again "appuntamentoingiardino" 🍃🍃🍃 Anche oggi il…
Nepeta Racemore Faassonii / Catmint/lesser Catmint | Pack Of 5 | 5cm Module Plants
Nepeta Faassenii is a superb dwarf perennial that produces compact violet/blue clump-forming flowers in a spire formation amid bushy aromatic foliage. These hardy flowers reach a mature height of 80cm and flower during the summer months from June to October. This RHS Award of Garden Merit winner is an excellent low-growing border option for paths or along edges but can also be grown in patio containers where it will attract bees into the garden. Plant in direct sun in well-drained, fertile soil
Filipendula 'Venusta' - 1 bare root
This magnificent perennial for the border produces rose-pink, candyfloss-like blooms that can light up the garden. These flowers are held proud of the attractive, deep green, lacy leaves. A cultivar of meadowsweet, Filipendula 'Venusta' forms a sturdy, upright bush, up to 200cm in height. Its large flowerheads appear between June and August. It’s a good plant for cutting, too. A plant originally seen growing as a native North American wildflower, and known as queen of the prairie, Filipendula ru