34 Pins
I might be biased but I can watch this video on repeat 💯 times. Anyone else? 🥹 Share this with a friend and don’t forget to save so you can come back to this when making your charcuterie board ✨ #cheeseboard #charcuterieboard #charcuteriedallas #dallascatering #cheese #cheeseboardinfluenser #charcuteriegoals #charcuterieplatter #cheeselover #charcuterieinspo
Rollo de queso crema✨ (English👇) Ingredientes: - 226g Queso crema - 80g Jamón serrano - 1cda Ciboulette - 1/4tz Cranberries - 1/4tz Semillas de calabaza Disfruta!✨ . . . Cream Cheese Roll✨ Ingredients: - 226g Cream cheese - 80g Serrano ham - 1 tbsp Chives - 1/4 cup Cranberries - 1/4 cup Pumpkin seeds Enjoy!✨ #recetasfaciles #recetasnavideñas
Taco Cups
Easy Taco Cups- LOVE love these easy vegan taco cups! I used a base of flour tortillas, refried beans and vegan nacho cheese sauce! An easy dinner and party appetizer. #vegan #veganappetizer #appetizer #footballfood
This may contain: small appetizers are arranged on a cutting board with fruit and veggies
This may contain: two pine cones and some nuts on a plate
Botana navideña
30min · 10 servings 1 queso crema • 1/4 taza crema ácida • 1 lata chica de champiñones en escabeche picaditos y sin el vinagre • 2 cucharadas de ajonjoli ( o todo menos el bagel) • 1/2 taza de tocino picado y frito. • Sal y pimienta al gusto • Almendras enteras y en rebanadas • Romero para decorar •
This may contain: a small christmas tree on top of a cutting board with crackers in front of it
Aperitivo para Navidad
•*• Empezando la mejor época del año con un entrante para complacer a cualquier paladar, ¡además de estar bonito! 🎄🎅 🦌 🌟 ⛄ 🎁 🎶 🔔 ©️ Créditos: @festejandoporgimelo #ecumple #navidad #christmas #feliznavidad #christmasdecor #christmascake #christmastime #christmasparty #diychristmasdecor #diychristmasdecorations