Fashion sewing pattern

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This may contain: a woman taking a selfie in front of a mirror
Sewing tutorial | DIY Fashion | dress outfit | fashion dresses | sewing inspo | sewing projects
🧚🏼IG: bygabrielaneve • ⚠️ I forgot to mention that because of the different length of the parts, the hem must be sewn before the whole individual parts are sewn together • ⚠️ The fabric must be relatively firm and thick This is one of my sewing projects. I made my own sewing pattern for this design. For the top part, I just used myself as a mannequine, wrapped tape around my upper body and started sketching. Then I cutted out the individual pieces and added the seam allowance. The pattern for the skirt of the dress I just copied from an existing dress. I also cutted strips out of this to accentuate the figure. I think it looks very aesthetically pleasing. Now I have my self designed white mini dress. I hope this is an inspiration for you to create your own fashion and designs. se
This may contain: a woman is cutting out pieces of paper to make a dress with scissors and glue
Моделирование платья с драпировкой, draping dress modelling
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