People, Life & work skills

10 Pins
3 Effective ways to deal with a person who is angry — Follow Your Own Rhythm
Have you ever gotten yelled at and yelled right back only to realize that you just made the situation worse? Responding with anger is not the answer. If your goal is to deal with angry people more effectively so that their anger alleviates instead of escalates, then here are 3 powerful things that you can do! --personal growth, self-reflection, self-awareness, mindfulness, conscious, spiritual growth
Send A Positive Thought - Difficult People Infographic
Sometimes it becomes necessary to set limits when dealing with difficult people.
Healthy Relationships: One powerful insight for how to connect with people
it's never about doing stuff but more about your perception when it comes to how to connect with people and also deal with difficult people. Get one simple flip that can banish the drama and create calm. #takecareofyourself #selflove #selfimprovement
The Cycle of Narcissism: Why Do They Teeter Between Love and Hate?
Like a drug dealer who passes out first fixes for free, the narcissist has a plan for their Love Bombing: they want to get you hooked before limiting your supply. Slowly but surely, these blissful moments of love are replaced by fights filled with degr
10 Tips for Dealing With Difficult People at Work
10 More Tips for Dealing With Difficult People at Work: How to Deal With a Bully at Work
The Quickest Way to Deal With Rude People - Angel's Angle
Have you ever been in such a good zone that nothing could bother you? You've finished back to back projects at work, you've cleaned your entire house, you even washed you car! Then someone comes along and says something like "Why did you part your hair that way? It makes you look older."In the words of Stephanie Tanner..."How Rude!" (If you don't know who Stephanie Tanner is, you may be too young for this blog, lol.)
How to respond when someone asks why you aren't friends with someone
Yes.... even I have my own faults but if we can compromise to gain a better understanding of each other than your faults really don’t matter to me... we all just want someone who will stay put no matter how difficult it is to deal with us... when you find that one keep them cause they will never give up on you.
How to Deal with Difficult People and Stay Calm
How to stay calm when dealing with difficult people | dealing with difficult people | handling difficult people | understanding difficult people | #smartmomsmartideas, #difficult, #difficultpeople, #calm, #staycalm