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21 reactions | Like this video? FOLLOW @kalejunkie for more!!! Here are my 8 tips for making better sandwiches! What would you add to this list? 1. Start with good bread—any bread you are using for a sandwich should be delicious enough to eat on it’s own. 2. Make your own mayo—I despise 99% of all store bought mayos, but I swear it’s a whole difference experience if you make it yourself. 3. Make an olive oil and vinegar slaw with Italian seasoning, garlic powder and salt for a tangy flavor explosion. 4. Use high quality, flavorful meat, without weird additives! 5. If you are using avocado, mash it first so you don’t have avocado slices falling out and you get some in every bite. 6. Add mayo (or butter) to the bread first. This will protect the bread from getting soggy from the rest of the fillings. 7. Instead of laying your deli meat flat, crumble it up for a bigger, more satisfying sandwich. 8. Heat it up! I recommend heating it in the homemade mayo (or butter) to make it nice and crispy on the outside. | Kalejunkie
As soon as my mom tasted it, she rushed over to get the recipe from me.
As soon as my mom tasted it, she rushed over to get the recipe from me.
Easy Family Recipes
1.9K reactions · 31 shares | Lanche fácil no pão francês 🤤 . Ingredientes: . 150 gramas de presunto picado 150 gramas de queijo muçarela picado 2 tomates sem sementes picados 1 punhado de salsinha bem picadinha Sal e pimenta do reino à gosto 200 gramas de requeijão cremoso . Misture tudo muito bem, abra o pão francês como eu mostro no vídeo e recheie muito bem eles. Depois é só cobrir com uma fatia de queijo e levar pra AIRFRYER ou forno até dourar muito bem! Fica incrível 🔥 . Só façam e me contem! #lanchegostoso #lanche #comersemculpa #receitafácil #receitasfaceis | Confeitaria Receitas Dicas
1.9M views · 1.5K comments | I learned this in Oklahoma | I learned this in Oklahoma | By Ryan R | Alright, guys. We're starting off with burger patties. And I got some pepper jack cheese that I'm going to slap on top. Of three of these here. And I love love love me some pepper jack cheese. And next we got some medium cheddar cheese as well. Um I just think cheddar cheese just goes so great with burgers. And you know it's burger season. It's summertime. The grills are fired up. And ready to go. Alright so then the next thing we are going to add is some bacon. Now this is already cooked bacon that I'm going to add. Here to each of these patties. Alright then I got some onion rings. Y'all I love love love onion rings. So I'm just going to add two of these on here now. If you want to replicate this recipe. You can definitely customize it to how you would want it. But I love missing onion rings. And what better than having on your burger. Now there's a burger out there at a fast food restaurant that I know they put onion rings on their burger. Who is it? It's not Jack in the Box. Is it Wendy's? No it's not that meat. Maybe. Then I got some burger sauce. We're just going to put right on top. So that can cook in nicely. And if you don't want to use burger sauce and want to use something else, you can totally do that. But this burger sauce is delicious y'all. Um y'all gotta give me the formula, the recipe of what's in here. Because I would like to learn how to make my own burger sauce. Alright. And so we going to get a little bit fancy here today. So I'm going to add in some green chilies. Just as a little oomph. Right on top. And these are optional. If you do not want to add these in, you don't have to. But I think it's going to cook very nicely with everything else we got going on with our burger here today. Don't knock it till you try it. Then we got some diced pimentos. Ryan remind me what pimentos are again? I think it's like a pepper kind of pepper type of pepper. Is it like a pickled pepper? I think so. My best friend loves pimentos. And I never tried them before. So, this is going to be my first time having pimentos today. Remember that we had pimento cheese and you're like, what is that? Uh did I taste it? True. It was in those sausages that you we cut in the middle. Oh you right. I did. Sorry guys. I lied. I did have pimiento. You can't see it because it's like all the cheese stuff. Yeah. That's why I forgot. Alright so we are just going to top this off with our cheese and we're just going to switch sides. So this side originally had the medium cheddar cheese on it. So I switched with the pepper jack. Now this is the medium jack. I mean medium cheddar. Plop that right on top and I got my oven preheated to three seventy-five. We're going to pop these bad boys in for about 30 to 35 minutes and we'll see you guys when we get back. Alright, so while our burgers are cooking in the oven, I got me some burger buns and I went ahead and melted a stick of butter and I'm just going to add some garlic powder and this is totally up to you how you want to see yours but that's all I'm adding to this in particular. Just to give it a nice flavor. And I'm just going to coat these bad boys. Lather them up real good. And you can do this in like your last 10 minutes of your burgers cooking. So these will be nice and toasty and they'll come out at the same time. With the dope rhyme that I kick. You know and I know. Come on. What is that? Ryan? Come on. Hip hop trivia. Sounds okay wait. No I'm not going to know. Who is it? You know what? I just know that random line. It's an old school. It's a 90s line though. Alright. Got our last few buns here. And that garlic powder likes to stick to the bottom so you really gotta kind of scrape to get it on there. But these are going to be so yummy. Alright and you might have noticed earlier that I had a few pieces of bacon left. I'm just going to do this with my bacon so we can have some bacon buns. Bake it right on in there. And I'm cutting these up pretty small. I love me some bacon y'all and this is going to be so yummy. Now I'm thinking of what song that was. Y'all in the comments can y'all tell me what song I just quoted? I cannot remember. It is not salt and pepper, is it? No, it's not. And these buns can be cooked at the same temperature as your meat. So no worries about having a change temp. They can all be the same. So we'll see you guys in a few minutes. Alright ladies and gentlemen. Check these out. Oh these look so yummy. And I got my buns over here as well. Nice and crispy. Just like we like them. We like them with a little bit of bite. I'mma get this one right here. Oklahoma Gotta flip that over. Flippy dip. Two bottoms. I got two bottoms. You know what guys? Uh I got me a top. There we go. Alright. Hmm. Oh yeah. This is so good guys and y'all saw how quick and easy that was. I'mma go ahead and finish this. I'll see y'all next time.
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