
541 Pins
Math Freebies (Lory's Page)
I have a father this year volunteering to help my students with their math facts.I want to be sure each of the kids get a chance to get out with him (not just the low friends)... so I created a couple
Hands-On Activities for Fractions
Are you teaching fractions in your elementary classroom? Today, I am sharing 5 fraction activities and fraction games your students will love. These hands-on fraction games are perfect for math workshop, math centers, or guided math. I share a digital fraction activity but I also share fraction activities that use math manipulatives as well. Ditch the fraction worksheets and try these fraction activities instead!
Equivalent Fractions Color by Number | Fractions of a Set Activities
Fraction Doodles is a fun, no prep fractions coloring activity that helps students explore fractions of a set. Students represent fractions as they color and add creative details to doodle collages. There are two activity options for each of the 10 doodle collages included. The first requires stud...
Free Fractions Activities and Games
Let me tell you all about my favorite lesson with the BEST hands-on fractions activities to use in your 3rd or 4th grade classroom! This blog posts outlines every part of this lesson and you can download the free worksheets, games, exit tickets and lesson plans I used.
Understanding Fractions on a Number Line
Understanding Fractions On A Number Line - More Time 2 Teach