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"Are Your Words Blessing or Cursing?" November 22 - Soul Survival
The Apostle Paul says that our speech should be edifying. Would people say that word describes how you speak to others? In today's post, we'll look at the word "edifying," what James and Paul had to say about the words of our mouths, and how important our speech is to God. #speech #edify #soulsurvival
Free Social Stories About Swearing
Looking for a swearing social story? Try one of these free social stories about swearing, curse words, profanity, and using bad words. Includes printable and video social stories.
How To Speak Life Over Your Children
What your children hear from you often will start to be there inner voice. I've made a list of scripture referecences that will help you speak life over your children. There is a free pdf download of the bible verses as well.
7 Powerful Scriptures to Speak Over Your Children + Printable