The Project Approach

18 Pins
How to Make Waldorf-Inspired Nature Blocks: DIY Tutorial
Cette activer permet les enfant de crée n'importe quoi avec peu de directive
Make Tinker Trays - Meri Cherry
I started a new job last week. I am the new atelierista (art teacher) at a Reggio based preschool close to where I live and I just love love love it! Reggio is a play based approach that I learned about several years ago and immediately fell in love with. There are several key elements to […]
Reggio Emilia approach – Inspiring indoor and outdoor classroom activities
Reggio Emilia approach – Inspiring indoor & outdoor activities - Teachwire
Sally on Instagram: “📷 Documentation 🖊⠀ It doesn't have to be overwhelming, but making sure it's pre
Implementing the Project Approach in an Inclusive Classroom: A Teacher’s First Attempt With Project-Based Learning (Voices)
Preschool classroom, art display, wall display, window display, ocean mural, group art, gross motor skills, social interaction, fingerpaint, sensory exploration, color recognition, color mixing, cause and effect, hand-eye coordination, painting on sandpaper, painting on bubble wrap, ocean life books, ocean sensory table, sand, water seashells, ocean life, documentation, evidence of learning, emergent curriculum, project approach.