Tummy Time Abilities by Age
Tummy Time is one of baby’s first exercises—and the most important! Tummy Time is the period during the day when your baby is awake and on their stomach. It is a crucial exercise for baby’s motor, visual, and sensory development. Baby can begin Tummy Time as a newborn and continue to do Tummy Time throughout their first year. Visit Pathways.org for more Tummy Time tips. #tummytime #babydevelopment #babytips #motordevelopment #sensorydevelopment
Alphabet Puzzle Fine Motor Activity for Kids
Alphabet Puzzle Fine Motor Activity for Kids. Turn a regular wooden puzzle into a fun play idea that helps toddlers and preschoolers to develop fine motor skills. This is an easy hands on learning activity to help kids learn their ABC's. #alphabet #finemotor #toddlers #preschoolers