202 Pins
Italiano com Leandro Cécco 🇮🇹 on Instagram: "Se você gosta de carbonara comenta "🍝" Conseguiu entender tudo que o chefe disse? Deixa suas dúvidas nos comentários que eu vou estar respondendo tudo!!! Repost: @cehefmaxmariola #comidaitaliana #macarrão #carbonara"
775K likes, 6,646 comments - nonnasilviofficial am March 1, 2024: "Prima la ricetta in italiano poi in inglese 🇮🇹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿👇🏻leggi sot..."
Spaghetti Burro e Alici 🍋🍋 #chefmaxmariola #shorts
Chef Max Mariola | Pranzo della domenica in arrivo, cosa vi cucinate di buono? 😋 Io ho preparato degli involtini di carne al sugo con mortadella e dei… | Instagram
Barbara Bajon on Instagram: "Super Quick Easy and delicious creamy tortelloni😋 Recipe is written on the screan for you, Let me know if you would like in description as well! #reels #homecooking #delish #homemade #tortelloni"
4.8M views · 318K likes | Chef Max Mariola on Instagram: "Fresca, profumata, cremosa.. ma la volete una pasta strepitosa, pronta in pochi minuti? Eccovi subito accontentati: Tagliatelle al limone 🍝🍋 Fresh, fragrant, creamy.. Do you want an amazing pasta, ready in a few minutes? Here you are immediately satisfied: Tagliatelle with lemon 🍝🍋 INGREDIENTI 👇 Tagliatelle - Pasta tagliatelle Basilico - Basil Limone - Lemon Burro - Butter Grana Padano - Grana Padano cheese Sale - Salt Pepe nero - Black pepper Vi è piaciuta? 💬😍 Did you enjoy it? _________👨‍🍳_________ #chefmaxmariola #maxmariola #maxmariolacucinapervoi #italianfood #cucinaitaliana #cucinaresano #ricettadelgiorno #mangiaresano #cucinatradizionale #romafoodporn #mangiarearoma #bontàitaliane #thesoundoflove #pasta #primod
This may contain: a man holding a spoon with food on it in his hand and making a funny face
Pasta E Fagioli
Sebastian Fitarau on Instagram: "Me lo avete chiesto! Episodio 67🍁 Come si fa la cacio pepe perfetta 🤤 Ingredienti x2: 220g di Tonnarelli 100g di un ottimo pecorino 4g pepe in grani Acqua di cottura della pasta q.b. sale q.b. Buon Appetito! 🍴 You asked for it! Episode 67🍁 How to make the perfect cacio e pepe 🤤 Ingredients for 2 servings: - 220g of Tonnarelli - 100g of high-quality Pecorino - 4g whole black pepper - Pasta cooking water as needed - Salt to taste Enjoy your meal! 🍴 . . . #pasta #cacioepepe #primipiatti #contemporaryclassic #sebastianfitarau #chef #ilgustodellasemplicità"
Maja Mariana Ilic👩🏻‍🍳 on Instagram: "how is this SO GOOD?!🤩✨ (recipe below) COMMENT - RECIPE - I’ll DM you the recipe! ♥️ Looking for an easy comfort meal? This Cheesy & Creamy Broccoli Pasta is so tasty & easy to make! They have become a staple in my home for easy weeknight meals! Ingredients: * Butter * Olive oil * Yellow Onion * Fresh Broccoli * Garlic * Heavy Cream * Mozzarella Cheese * Parmesan Cheese * Pasta Water * Ditalini Pasta Instructions: 1. Follow the full recipe instructions on my blog, you can click the link in my bio, or visit (or comment “recipe”, I’ll dm it to you) Elevate your weeknight meal game with these comfort meals! TOP TIPS FOR SUCCESS!🤩 1. Cook Pasta Al Dente: Ensure pasta is cooked al