
119 Pins
Out house made for a friend of mine. With solar interior motion light, solar outside light. Sliding side windows. Magazine rack. Paper roll dispenser from pipe fittings (thanks to Pinterest for that one). Coat/purse hooks,bug spray and hand sanitizer. All to make your stay more bearable. Free wood plans are at http://cottagelife.com/14313/diy/projects/perfect-privy-3
Genius DIY Backyard Ideas that will Transform your Yard!
plant_lemongrass_to_repel_mosquitos_ www.bestcoasthandyman.com/deck-repair/
utedass inspiration
utedass inspiration - Sök på Google
Amazing Outdoor Baths and DIY Garden Showers
Dishfunctional Designs: Amazing Outdoor Baths and DIY Garden Showers
Home Sweet Home - Knowlton and Co // Design The Life You Want To Live ®
out house
Dreaming of a sweet little outhouse... because I am very weird
Building an outhouse because I am incredibly frugal to keep the mess out of the house and to save on electricity and water
Flo-Coat® Concrete Resurfacer | Concrete Resurfacing | Sakrete
Make old concrete surfaces look new again! Sakrete Flo-Coat is a highly flowable material for resurfacing concrete and a great alternative to expensive concrete replacement.
Rustic Cabin Renovation: Reclaiming a Fishing Ranch
When they found it, the ranch house was sagging off a loose stone foundation. Most of the original flooring, installed when the ranch was built in the early 1900s, was gone. Doors were missing. Windows were broken. Trees had fallen on the roof, leaving sunlight streaming through the ceiling. Rodents had moved in. Delicately put,... Read more