Infection Control

42 Pins
Keep Your Gym Superbug Free
Keep Your #Gym #Superbug Free. #Personal #Trainer #Training #Workout #Diet #Nutrition #BCRPA #ACSM #CANFITPRO #NSCA #ACE #Weight-loss
Best infographics of 2010 according to Ninian Carter
The Joy of Healthy Hands: A Look at Hand Washing Habits #infographics
Hand Hygiene
Proper hand hygiene is the number one way to prevent healthcare-associated infections, yet hospital workers often don’t clean their hands as frequen
If you thought your toilet seat was the dirtiest place at work,think again! Germs lurk in some of the most unassuming of places around your office. That's why I always have my Enviro Cloth to wipe down my desk, computer, phone, counter tops, files......