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10 Signs of a Toxic Girlfriend
Are you the toxic girlfriend most guys wouldn't want in their life or complain about? Maybe you're needy, or maybe you're too controlling. Whatever the case, in this article, you will learn the main signs of a toxic girlfriend, and how you can avoid her most common mistakes.
10 Signs of a Toxic Girlfriend
Most of the time, the toxic girlfriend is not fully aware of her behavior. Often, she sees her mistakes only when it’s too late. If your girlfriend’s behavior is mentally, emotionally, or even physically draining you continuously, it could be a red flag, says Dr. Kristen Fuller. Are you unable to find out why it’s not working out between you and your girlfriend even after you’ve been doing your best? If yes, then maybe, “it’s her, not you.”
How to Know if You’re in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship
How to Know if You’re in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship
Why it’s hard to leave an abusive relationship
Leaving an abusive relationship is one of the hardest things to do. Despite knowing it’s the right thing to do, many people stay in abusive relationships. There are various reasons why people may find it difficult to leave an abusive relationship. I will discuss how abusers may use tactics to manipulate and control their victims, how victims may be financially dependent on their abuser, and how victims may be afraid of their abuser’s retaliation if they try to leave.
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How I Finally Broke Up With My Long-Time, Toxic Friend
Learning how to end a toxic relationship is tough, especially when you need to break up with a best friend who you love, but here's how one woman pulled it off. #friends #toxicpeople #relationship
How to Leave a Relationship Without Feeling Guilty
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