A Garden Farming projects

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VEG Design Solutions - Part Two - Very Edible Gardens
When designing edible gardens, a site-specific problem will often crop up. One of the most enjoyable aspects of permaculture design …
Chicken Tractors Versus Permanent Coops: The Pros And Cons
Tractor vs. Permanent Coop - the Pros and Cons Briana Farrell One of the first questions you will (hopefully) ask yourself before you bring your chickens home is: Where should I put them and what will I put them in? There are certainly many...
How to Build a Vertical Garden with Rain Gutters
When space is precious, which is common in our urban neighborhood, you have to get creative. We built this vertical garden on the south facing fence next to the driveway. Finding a source for rain …
Window planting box
Building a planter box next to the window to grow seedlings. Made from roof guttering. Waterproof, so no mess off over watered, in fact on hot days, the gutter can have excess water added to prevent drying off.
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Vertical Garden Systems - Green Wall Details | Engineering Discoveries