
146 Pins
Photographer Poster Photographer Lighting Guide News Paper Vintagw Wall Art Hanging Painting Paper Photography Watercolor Living Classroom Home Decor - Poster Art Design
Photographer Poster Photographer Lighting Guide News Paper Vintagw Wall Art Hanging Painting Paper Photography Watercolor Living Classroom Home Decor No Frame - Poster Art Design
Art Photography Camera Choice Board Bingo Game Creative Challenges Prompts
So important to develop those skills but some days, I'm just not creative and give really boring photog challenges. So I developed this. You can break them apart or use as a 5-in-a-row challenge. My goal was to put some really unique prompts in here so they aren't your typical boring ones you find everywhere. Purposely chosen to develop the photography eye! My students have enjoyed these and eventually I end up assigning each one and classes actually fill up the entire board
Elements Photography Tutorial - Fire - People of the Planet
Elements Photography Tutorial - Fire. Easy photography tips and ideas to help you capture flames, campfires, fire art, smoke, and much more of the fire element. Also see, photography accessories to help you capture the best fire elements photography. #ElementsPhotographyFire #Fire #FirePhotography #Flames #Smoke #FirePhotographyIdeas #CapfirePhotography
30 Day Photography Challenge
I created my own customized 30 day photography challenge to improve my photography skills. I was tired of doing the same style of photography, so I challenge myself. And in order to become a better portrait photographer, I created my own to meet my needs. If you like to learn how I created my own 30 Day Photography Challenge, click the link.
Art Photography Photo Elements & Principles Worksheet Composition Rules Tips
Art Photography Photo Elements & Principles Worksheet Composition Rules Tips
Art Photography Photo Elements & Principles Composition Balance Guide Challenge Poster Handout
Photography Elements and Principles with Balance — A guide sheet for students for a handy reminder — use as a poster or handout. I also use a Photo Challenge, choosing a certain number or so many in each row for them to complete. Good concise one page reminder sheet for principles and elements.
Un joli fond pour vos photos de blog & Instagram ! - Happiness Maker
Comment avoir un joli fond pour photos instagram et pour son blog ? Vous n'avez pas de réflex ou d'appareil photo de compétition ? Vous avez un smartphone, une imprimante ? Vous pouvez réussir vos photos pour votre feed instagram ou même vos photos de produits pour votre blog avec cette astuce simplissime !