
17 Pins
Josephine - Nordic interior & Family life on Instagram: "DIY MUD KITCHEN 💚 Ett enkelt och roligt Ikea hack som jag bara var tvungen att testa. Ett perfekt litet kök för barnen att leka med ute, som kan fyllas med både sand och vatten. Visst blev det gulligt? 🤭 Du behöver (från IKEA): - 2 stora Knagglig lådor - 1 stor Trofast låda - 2 små Trofast lådor + lock - 1 Bekväm kryddhylla - 1 Sunnersta krok-set - 1 Sunnersta behållare Jag använde trälim för att fästa delarna, och man kan även sätta någon extra skruv för bättre stabilitet. Jag grundmålade med en trägrund och sedan med en utomhusfärg i samma gröngråa färg som vår sandlåda 💚 Lägger ut en produktlista i mina stories och det är bara att fråga om det är något ni undrar över 🥰 #ikeahack #lerkök #mudkitchen #ikeadiy #diy #diyki
Abby | Practical tips, hacks, chaos, & fun on Instagram: "Comment "LIGHTS" if you're the spouse that wants all your kids' friends there (and if you like the tramp lights) 👀 These trampoline lights exceeded my expectations! I have tried the cheap ones & they just don't last or work like these..especially for underground tramps! So, decided to try this light kit from @trampolinesdownunder & WOWZA. It has everything you need for install + a waterproof connection to leave these up year round. The price point is more, but the kit + quality is 🙌🏻. They do have sales & I'll share when I see them! There was an audible gasp from the kids when we turned these on. The trampoline looks see through 👀 . It's trippy & cool & my husband and I love it as much as our kids 😆. 🌟 Things to note 👇
ariel kaye on Instagram: "What an absolute thrill to have my home included in the October issue of Architectural Digest. This is truly a dream come true. Thank you @archdigest for this opportunity. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. I’m endlessly grateful. Photography: @laurejoliet Styling: @amykchin Design: @sallybreerworld Writing: @lindsay_talbot Exteriors: @lndwrk"
Olive | This Northcote Home on Instagram: "Second picture was taken in the exact same spot in June last year… I’m getting really excited about the sunnier days coming back - it means that we can finally start thinking about the garden again. If only you could see the chaos behind me… The neighbours’ silver birch filled about 5 bin bags worth of leaves and considering how tiny our garden is, that is a LOT of leaves. • We have the fences to paint and most importantly some planting to do. I haven’