Instructional Design

1,092 Pins
Math Fun Joke of the Week
Show the fun side of math! One poster for each week of school to rotate through. 36 unique posters total. Answer key included! Students love seeing the new joke each week! *Newly added* Directions on how to print these poster sized!********************************************************************...
Curriculum Mapping with Excel: A Video Tutorial
Curriculum maps help you pace out your year. This helpful blog posts walks you through what you should think about when creating an elementary curriculum map, and gives you a video tutorial on how to create your template in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Your curriculum map and pacing guide will be your favorite tool next year as you work on lesson planning each week.
Google Keep Headers | 30 Colorful Headers For Your Lists
This is for all the teachers who love their to do lists! This zip file includes 30 different colorful Google Keep Headers to make your lists look pretty! Stay organized from all of your devices while using Google Keep! See my "Tech" highlight on Instagram @MsBolier to learn more about how I use Keep!Headers Include:To DoTo PlanTo PrintTo CreateTo CopyTo EnterTo BuyTA To DoTo EmailTo GradeTo UpdateTo CallTo SaveTo ReadTo WatchWishlistClassroomHomePrep To Do ListSummer To Do ListDaily To Do ListWe
Shawntay Skjoldager | Instructional Design Solutions & Certification
Wouldn’t it be great to have a template that you could use every time you conducted a training analysis or project kick off meeting? Wouldn’t it be great to have a checklist that you or other members of the team could use to ensure you have dotted all of your I’s and crossed all of your Ts when developing a new training course? You can! Just download the Tool Kit for Instructional Designers
How to Develop a Niche For Freelance Curriculum Development
If you're ready to leave the classroom, but stay in education, curriculum development might be a great option! Here I'm sharing how to develop a niche in curriculum development, whether you're interested in freelance curriculum writing or work-from-home curriculum development jobs. Learn more about how to leave the classroom, and pursue another career that will give you freedom and flexibility!
I Don’t Have Any Original Content to Sell on TpT - Amplify Your TpT Income
I Don’t Have Any Original Content to Sell on TpT - Teach Create Sell