Third grade

802 Pins
Pumpkin Structures and a freebie
Halloween math riddles with 2-digit addition with regrouping--second grade math --FREE math
Halloween Reading Comprehension Passage and Questions | Candy Corn Reading
This high-interest informational text passage is perfect for October reading! This high-interest nonfiction passage, "Candy Corn - A Unique Treat", and comprehension worksheet is ideal for students in grades 3-6. This free resource is part of a much larger, more comprehensive unit, which has other
Halloween Measurement Activities - Free Math Center
Have some fun measuring a variety of Halloween creatures with this FREE Halloween Measurement Math Resource. It makes a great math center during the month of October and reinforces centimeter and inch measurement processes. #measurement #halloweenmath #math #measuringwitharuler #halloweenfun #freemathresources