DnD NPC/Unaligned Sheets

Stat sheets for use on NPCs and unaligned creatures
73 Pins
4 Sections
New Warlock Familiar Option - Baby Phoenix!
New Warlock Familiar Option - Baby Phoenix! : UnearthedArcana
The Astro Vibe phone case
All the Lights in the Sky are Stars [ATLAS] - Haven - Imgur
Roleplay Universes — Write a viking story, listen to some Wardruna and...
Roleplay Universes — Write a viking story, listen to some Wardruna and...
Matt Colville's Worldbuilding series inspired me to create expanded rules for Languages
Matt Colville's Worldbuilding series inspired me to create expanded rules for Languages - Imgur
Vall does D&D: Photo
Vall does D&D : Photo Think I'll change that backstory and make him the dumbest knight ever. Just pure comic relief. His more competent 12 year old daughter does everything instead. Like Inspector Gadget!
Thornshield Scout - CR 2 by dizman on DeviantArt
Spellbreaker Nullmage - CR 3 Humanoid [parchment] | Humperdink's Wares
Spellbreaker Nullmage - CR 3 Humanoid [parchment] | Humperdink's Wares on Patreon
DUPLICANT Medium Construct, Netur Armor Class 13 (Natural) Hit Points 69(13d8 Speed 30%. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Condition Immunities Languages Knowns cannot speak Challenge 7 Duplicant' form. The Duplicantis immune to any spell or effect that would alter ls form from other Magic Resistance. The Dupl saving throws against 5 effects, 'and other magical 'Magic Weapons. The Duplicant weapon attacks are Actions Imprint The Duplicant can force another creature can touch to succeed aDC 20 Wisdom saving 1 creature, doing so the Dupli te own health, Damage Condition immunities, CR Magic Resistance, Mi Otherwise the Du keeps Durplicants form, Dut instead the base weapon is imprinted. of imprinted creature. When a creature is imprinted they are telep armless demiplane. While there, they is <2. They remain there until the Imprint ends, at which point the target reappears in the space it was imprinted at. This effect late 1 day, or until the Duplicant dismisses it 5 the imprinted creature, Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 10 hi reach SÁ one target, Hit 4 (146) - iFunny
List of memes created by HomebrewDnD on iFunny :)