Festival Planning

32 Pins
A Party Animal's Music Festival Packing List | Travel à la Tendelle
This music festival packing list not only has the basics, it'll also save you money and show you what to bring to a festival to make you very, very popular.
The Ultimate Festival Packing List - Pack Like a Pro!
A festival packing list to help you rock your festival. Summer is all about music festivals. No need to worry about what to wear, we've got the packing list packed with hacks and products to have you doing it like a pro. Coachella + Burning Man style.
Festival Guide - Die ultimative Packliste - TRYTRYTRY
Es ist wieder Festivalzeit! Doch was nimmt man eigentlich zu einem Festival mit? Was lässt man lieber zu Hause? Wenn man ein paar mal auf einem Festival war, weiß man ungefähr, was man braucht. Doch für viele ist es oft das erste Mal und bei meinem ersten Festival habe ich jede Menge Leute um Rat gebeten. Falls du auch Rat und Tipps benötigst, kommt hier mein Festival Guide mit der ulitmativen Packliste!
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With festival season fast approaching this nifty infographic helps you get prepared. From where to pitch your tent to the essentials that you need to get through it all successfully...
The Ultimate Music Festival Essentials List - Society19
The Ultimate Music Festival Essentials List http://www.srtrends.com/the-ultimate-music-festival-essentials-list/?utm_source=aechols&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=campussocial
Five Glitter Makeup Looks To Try
glitter e efeito molhado nas pálpebras, têmporas e bochechas • ideias para o carnaval Always sparkling
Maximak is under construction
Muito glitter no rosto para sair nos bloquinhos de carnaval! A idéia de misturar brilho de várias cores fica linda, ainda mais com foco em turquesa. Abuse da idéia para fantasia de sereia ;)